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Essay by   •  December 20, 2010  •  328 Words (2 Pages)  •  922 Views

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Do people think cloning is a good thing or a bad thing? Many people find cloning a good thing because it can help many problems that humans soon face. Scientists say that cloning is a life-saving research. They also say that therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning are critical. Most people find reproductive cloning to be repugnant and even major religions condemns it. But cloning, especially therapeutic, has many benefits.

Cloning can benefit infertile couples. They can have their own genetic offspring. Cells can be used to produce a cloned embryo that is implanted into the woman. The child would then be a genetic copy of the father. The child would almost be like his identical twin born many years later.

Another benefit is cloned beef. Employees at Cyagra have been eating thousands of pounds of beef left over from the clones and they find it delicious. On December 28, 2006, the Food & Drug Administration issued an 800-page report which concluded that meat and milk from clones are safe for consumption. Stephen F. Sundlof, director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine says, “The draft risk assessment has determined that meat and milk from clones and their offspring are as safe as food we eat everyday.”

Therapeutic cloning is what makes people find cloning to be an excellent idea. It has a completely different outcome from reproductive cloning. Researchers can produce stem cells that can develop into any tissues in the human body. It has been proven to repair damaged nerves, hearts, and kidneys. There is also a chance for cures like Parkinson’s and other crippling spinal cord injuries.

People think cloning will be the next step into the future and will help with human survival. Infertile couples will have a chance to have their own children instead of adopting one. People can eat cloned food to save the resources on the planet. Therapeutic cloning can cure diseases and



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