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Communicate And Collaboration

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Communicate 1



Katie Carr

June 28, 2010

Communicate 1


Learning styles are various approaches, or ways of learning. Learning styles differ from individual to individual, but are purely the approaches one takes in learning. It is the way our brains process, and stores information. Visual Learners, Auditory Learners, and Kinesthetic Learners are three different learning styles. Communication, and Collaboration plays a very important role in our society life today. In Almost everything we do involves some type of communication. Communicate, and Collaboration is also a great deal in different personality.

Visual Learners One learning style A visual learner is someone who learns by seeing what information they are to absorb. Visual Learners like to sit in the front of the class so they are close to the instructor to fully comprehend the content of the lesson being taught. These types of learners enjoy a quiet place away from distractions to learn. Visual learners identify, and think with pictures.

Kinesthetic Learner described as the students in the classroom, who have problems sitting still, and who often bounce their legs while tapping their fingers on the desks. They can remember what was done, but have difficulty recalling what was said, or seen. They always can find a reason to move when they are bored. They sit near the door or someplace else where they can easily get up, and move around. Kinesthetic need to be active, and take frequent breaks.

Auditory Learner as this kind of learner has the ability to remember speeches and lectures in detail but has a hard time with written text. Having to read long texts is pointless, and will not be retained by the auditory learner unless it is read aloud.

Personality types classify the different in each person. They are many different



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