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Managerial Communication

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School of Technology and Management

Course Outline

April 2010

Pre- Masters

Programme leading to

Master of Business Administration

Assignment Deadline

22 June 2010

Course Administrator:

Adrian Canty:


Managerial Communication - - 3

Subject Outline

Lecture Sequence


Accounting and Decision Making Techniques - 7

Subject Outline

Lecture Sequence


Management Theories and Practice - 11

Subject Outline

Lecture Sequence


Information Technologies and Systems - 15

Subject Outline

Lecture Sequence


Module Title: Managerial Communication

Module Lecturer: Tatiana Pavlovsky

1. Module Description:

This module is designed to refine communication skills for immediate, course-long and life-long benefit. It focuses specifically on ways students can improve their skills in business.

The formal study of communication at higher education level is relatively new, but it is already very popular and becoming more so each year. This reflects a proper and rapidly increasing awareness of the subject's importance. Effective communication is essential to success in every area of human endeavour. Apart from being a prerequisite to the health and harmony of individuals, groups and whole societies, it is essential to business efficiency and effective management.

Good communicators are able to respond appropriately in predictable and unpredictable situations, because they are aware of the range of communication strategies available, and they can recognise which are best to use in various contexts.

This module also provides an opportunity for students to practice and hone existing skills, and in addition, it will introduce them to new and more incisive approaches to communication.

2. Learning Outcomes:

Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to:

* develop an approach to study that aligns their learning-mode preference,

* recognise variables in the communication process, understanding their interdependence and appreciating their importance, particularly from a management point of view;

* recognise the personal attitudes and dispositions that underpin effective communication in various contexts, and have practised interpersonal skills in various situations;

* demonstrate refined oral language skills so that one is able to speak clearly, persuasively and effectively in different contexts;

* demonstrate refined written language skills so that one is able to write clearly, correctly and concisely in appropriate modes and registers;

* demonstrate an awareness that there is much more to a message than the meaning conveyed by medium of the words that encode it, and have practised 'reading' different aspects of non-verbal communication;

* recognise cultural variations in communication styles and have recognised the growing importance of this,

* adopt a contemporary view of organisations and be able to identify communication styles and practices which usually accompany various managerial approaches and technique,;

* undertake public communication and use relevant public communication strategies and tactics,

* understand what constitutes ethical communication practice.

3. Indicative Content

The module begins with an analysis of the theory that underpins modern studies of human communication. Through an examination of various models, the students will become familiar with the variables operating in any communication transaction, improving their ability to identify the causes of communication effectiveness - and of communication breakdown.

These insights are implemented through a focus on the receptive communication processes; listening and reading. This will lead to some implications for learning in general, and assignment and examination preparation in particular.

Prior to the productive communication processes (speaking and writing), students consider mental processes which, when mastered, give soundly-based authority to their arguments. Then, since much of communication has a persuasive intent, they will examine the ways communication receivers process information.

Students will practise some of these research-based techniques that lead to clearer, more concise and correct written communication in all contexts. Their refined skills will be given a business communication focus as they prepare memos, letters and faxes, reports, submissions and brochures.

Most of workplace communication is oral, i.e. giving directions, offering suggestions, making recommendations and assisting others to solve problems. So, students shall look at effective oral communication in a variety of workplace contexts: leading a discussion or formal meetings and managing a conversation. The last section of the subject deals with organisational communication.

4. Delivery

A variety of teaching approaches is used, including lectures, seminars, role plays, presentations, teamwork and extensive use of the Internet for guided research.



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