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Communication Self Analysis and Professional Development Plan

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Learner:  Morris N. Taylor                                        



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ED 7012-8

Dr. Louis Wangberg

Activity 1

Learner Comments:


Communication Self Analysis and Professional Development Plan

Morris N. Taylor

North Central University


Shockley-Zalabak (2010) defined communication as “a culturally dependent process of assigning meaning to symbols” (p. 20). Also, Shockley-Zalabak defined organizational communication as the “process through which organizations are created and it turn create and shape events” (p. 16). Each of these definitions considers the complex nature of communication. Communication, as an exchange between individuals through a variety of mediums, is the cornerstone of organizations.

As an educational leader, communication is essential to the daily performance of empowering others and affecting change. A communication assessment found online at along with the survey results rate my skills as “mediocre”. The assessment results stated that I am functioning “well below my peak” and settling “for second best”. Yet, the LMX 7 Questionnaire rated my skills as a “high quality exchange” with members (score of 25). Considering these conflicting results, an analysis is significant. What follows is a critical analysis of my communication skills compiled from various inventories, associates, and self knowledge.

Communication Skills

Any form of public speaking has always caused a great amount of distress. With a Myers-Briggs type of ISFJ, quiet and conscientious are dominant traits. This ‘quietness’ translates into a low tone of voice when speaking. The ability to project and articulate varies according to context and setting. In my current position of assistant principal, the continual practice is increasing my confidence in this area. The rate of comfort, however, depends on the size of the group, familiarity with attendees, and preparation time. As expected, more ease is felt during planned meetings with small groups of familiar individuals. The discomfort increases when the individuals are “important” people, such as the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, and other central office personnel. This is consistent with the results summarized in the Willingness to Communicate Scale, as shown in Table 1. This is a skill that I know that I will have to cultivate in order to have success in my future career as Director of Special Education.  

Table 1

Willingness to Communicate Scale Scores and Nominative Means


                        Raw Score                        Nominative Meanª


Total WTC                     41.6                                67.3

Public                             67                                        56.1

Meeting                     0                                        60.0

Group                             67                                        73.4

Dyad                             33                                        79.5

Stranger                     0                                        41.3

Acquaintance                    50                                        75.0

Friend                            75                                        85.5


ªBased on a sample of 428 college students

Although communicating through writing takes away the human interaction, it’s the method that I generally prefer. While writing, statements can be revised and time can be taken to form thoughts, commodities that speaking doesn’t afford. This revision helps to ensure that words are presented in a smooth and orderly fashion.  Writing skills are generalized into discoursive communication skills, also. Instead of conducting weekly staff meetings, I prefer using email for communicating events and activities. Then, follow up on important tasks is conducted with small group (team) interactions.



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