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Long-Term Higher Education Development Plan

Essay by   •  December 1, 2010  •  1,247 Words (5 Pages)  •  2,173 Views

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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University

City of San Fernando La Union

Graduate College

Country: Philippines

Title: Long-Term Higher Education Development Plan (1996-2005)

Institution: Commission on Higher Education

Descriptors: Higher education; Educational objectives.


Generation and diffusion of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international environment.


1. Encourage HEIs to improve or enrich higher education curricula and undertake educational innovations or reforms to cope with the emerging needs and demands of a newly industrializing country;

2. Support higher education programs which are relevant and responsive to national and international developments;

3. Provide attractive incentives for students to pursue scientific, engineering and technology programs and other programs related to the strategic needs of the country;

4. Provide opportunities for students to develop their learning capacity, leadership potentials, and desirable attitudes and values;

5. Strengthen and expand the scope of HEI's placement programs to ensure employment of graduates and promote entrepreneurship; and

6. Modernize instruction, facilities and equipment of HEIs offering priority programs.

Policies and Strategies

1. Provision of incentives to support creativity and innovation among HEIs;

2. Provision of assistance in the improvement of the delivery of higher education services;

3. Development and adoption or replication of tested non-traditional approaches to higher education to better serve the emerging demands of the differenct sectors;

4. Institutionalization of cooperative industry-academe linkages in the planning and program development of HEIs;

5. Provision of package of assistance to HEIs in producing quality, responsible and employable graduates;

6. Prioritization of course offerings crucially required for national and regional industrializing economy (e.g., mining engineering in Baguio; geothermal engineering in Bicol; petroleum engineering in potential sources of petroleum);

7. Promulgation of legislative measures supportive of higher education; and

8. Enrichment of HEIs programs through the promotion of culture and sports activities.

Performance/Success Indicators

1. Reduction in number of graduates in non-priority programs

2. Increase in the number of graduates in priority programs

3. Increase in the rate of external productivity of graduates

4. One hundred percent employment absorption of graduates, employed and self-employed, by year 2005


Broaden the access of deserving and qualified Filipinos to higher education opportunities


1. Expand financial assistance to poor but deserving students toward greater access to higher education; and

2. Institutionalize and expand viable alternative delivery systems in higher education to provide opportunities to those who have limited access to the conventional modes of delivery.

Policies and Strategies

1. Provision of adequate funds for scholarships, study grants and other students financial assistance programs to all HEIs offering priority programs;

2. Development and implementation of criteria and standards governing the establishment and operation of laternative delivery system in higher education; and

3. Promotion of alternative learning system to workers who need to upgrade their qualifications, college leavers, geographically-isolated communities and disabled person.

Performance/Success Indicators

1. Increase in higher education enrolment among the disadvantaged sectors at an annual average rate of at least 10 percent

2. Increase in the number of recipients of scholarship grants and financial assistance by at least 10 percent annually

2. Increase in the number of recipients of scholarship grants and



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