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Delivering Superior Customer Value

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MKT 5017 - Delivering Superior Customer Value

Articles on Relationship Marketing and Customer Retention (rev. 1/12)

1. Ahuja, V. and Meduri, Y. (2010) Corporate blogs as e-CRM tools - building consumer engagement through content management, Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 17, 91-205.

2. Duboff, R and Wilkerson, S. (2010) Social media - marketers are seeking to answer "the greatest question", Marketing Management, Winter, 32-37.

3. Eriksson, K. and Soderberg, I-L. (2010) Customers' ways of making sense of a financial service relationship through intersubjective mirroring of others, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 15, 99-111.

4. Fuchs, C. and Schreier, M. (2011) Customer empowerment in new product development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28, 17-32.

5. Hillebrand, B., et al. (2011) Exploring CRM effectiveness: an institutional theory perspective, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39, 4, 592-608.

6. Hoffman, D.L. and Fodor, M. (2010) Can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing?, Sloan Management Review, 52, 1, 41-49.

7. Olaru, D., Purchase, S. and Peterson, N. (2008) From customer value to repurchase intentions and recommendations, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 23, 8, 554-565.

8. Payne, A.F., Storbacka, K. and Frow (2008), Managing the co-creating of value, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 36, 83-96.

9. Petersen, J.A., McAlister, L., Reibstein, D.J., Winer, R.S., Kumar, V. and Atkinson, G. (2009) Choosing the right metrics to maximize profitability and shareholder value, Journal of Retailing, 85, 1, 95-111.

10. Rust, R.T., Moorman, C., and Bhalla. G. (2010) Rethinking marketing, Harvard Business Review, 88 January-February, 94-101.,ChristineMoorman,GauravBhalla.pdf

11. Trasorras, R., Weinstein, A., and Abratt, R. (2009)



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