Development of Of Teachers of Qwami Madrasa in Bangladesh
Essay by seahorse • March 8, 2019 • Business Plan • 7,587 Words (31 Pages) • 753 Views
Essay Preview: Development of Of Teachers of Qwami Madrasa in Bangladesh
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Table of Contents
Project Summary 3
1.0 Project title: 3
2.1 Sponsoring Ministry/Division: 3
2.2 Implementing Agency (ies): 3
2.3 Concerned Division of Planning Commission: 3
3.0 Objectives and targets (of Beneficiaries) of the project: 3
4.0 Project implementation period: Fifteen (15) months 3
5.1 Estimated cost of the project (Taka in lac): 4
5.2 Exchange rate(s) with date: 1USD=80.71 BDT 4
6.0 Mode of financing: Government grant and Project Aid 4
6.1 Mode of financing with source 4
6.2 Year wise estimated cost 4
7.0 Location of the project: 4
8.0 Location wise cost break-down: 4
9.0 Estimated Cost Summary (Taka in lac): 17
10.0 Log frame: 17
11.0 Project Management: 21
I. Proposed project management setup 21
II. Implementation arrangement 21
12.0 Financial and Procurement Plan: Not Applicable 21
13.0 After completion, whether the output of the project needs to be transferred to the revenue budget : 21
13.2 If not briefly narrate the institutional arrangement and financial requirement for operation and maintenance. 22
Project Details 23
14.0 Background Information: 23
14.1 Background with problem statement: 23
14.2 Linkages to other projects, institutions: Not Applicable 25
15.0 Project Description: 25
15.1 Objectives 25
15.2 Outcomes and Outputs 26
15.3 Activities 26
16.0 Rationale behind the project 27
17.0 Financial Analysis: 28
18.0 Lessons learned from similar nature of project (s): 29
19.0 Whether environmental clearance under the ECA 1995 (revised 2010) has been obtained? If yes, attach the certificate. if not mention the cause(s) 29
20.0 Specific Linkage with Perspective Plan/Five Years Plan/SDGs/Ministry/ Sector Priority 29
21.1 How does this project contribute in achieving the Vision, Mission of the Ministry/Division and Implementing agency? 29
21.2 Whether private sector/local government or NGO's participation is considered? 30
21.3 Mention the major conditionality (ies) for foreign aid. 30
21.4 Does the project involve compensation, rehabilitation/ resettlement? 30
22.0 Project Steering Committee 31
Annexure – I: Location wise cost breakdown 32
Annexure-II : Project Management Setup 34
Project Summary
1.0 Project title:
Pilot project to develop the skills of teachers from qawmi madrasa to prepare them to get aligned with the mainstream education system.
2.1 Sponsoring Ministry/Division:
Ministry of Education
2.2 Implementing Agency (ies):
Government Teachers’ Training College, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1215
2.3 Concerned Division of Planning Commission:
Socio Economic Infrastructure Division
3.0 Objectives and targets (of Beneficiaries) of the project:
The broad objective of the project is to select two (02) qawmi madrasas from each of the eight (08) divisions, nominate twelve (12) teachers from each of the selected qawmi madrasas and train them on six (06) basic subjects (namely Bangla, English, Basic Science and ICT, Mathematics, Social Science and Bangladesh Studies), so that they can take charge when the equivalent curriculum for qawmi madrasa is initiated. The specific objectives are as follows:
- At the beginig of the project two (02) largest (in terms of number of students) will be selected from each of the eight (08) administrative divisions (i.e. a total of 16 qawmi madrasa) within one (01) week of the initiation of the project.
- After the selction of the sixteen (16) madrasas, twelve teachers from each madrasa will be nominated within one (01) month of the initiation of the project. These teachers will be nominated based on their previous educational qualifications, merit and area of interest. A total of one hundred and ninety two (192) teachers will be selected.
- The training modules will be developed by the authority of the Government Teachers’ Traaining College. The training modules will be designed keeping alignment with the existing mainstream education system so that when the equivalent curriculum is implemented for qawmin madrasa, the contents of these training modules will help them cope with the curriculum. The module design phase will be initiated with the kick-off nof the project and will span over two (02) months.
- Two (02) teachers from each madrasa will be nominated for one of the six (06) basic subjects mentioned above, i.e. a total of thirty two (32) teachers will be nominated for each basic subject. Each of the thirty two (32) teachers’ group will be trained for six (06) months. This training course will be initiated after the second month of the initiation of the project.
- After the training, these teachers will go back to their corresponding madrasas and disseminate the training modules to the other teachers of their madrasas for six (06) months. After this six (06) months all the teachers of these sixteen (16) madrasas will go through an evaluation conducted by the authority of the Government Teachers’ Training college. This evaluation report will be used to analyse the effectiveness of this method for preparing the existing teachers group for the equivalent new curriculum and if proven effective, this method can be used as a shifting mechanism for qawmi madrasas to the new curriculum. The final evaluation of the teachers will be completed in one (01) month.
4.0 Project implementation period: Fifteen (15) months
- Date of commencement: 1 August, 2017
- Date of completion: 31 October, 2017
5.1 Estimated cost of the project (Taka in lac):
Total | : 728.60 | |
GOB | : 364.30 | |
PA | : 364.30 | |
Own Fund | : | |
Others | : |
5.2 Exchange rate(s) with date: 1USD=80.71 BDT
(Source: Bangladesh Bank, Date: 20 June 2017)
6.0 Mode of financing: Government grant and Project Aid
6.1 Mode of financing with source
(Taka in lac)
Source[pic 2][pic 3] Mode | GOB (FE) | PA (RPA) | Own Fund (FE) | Others (Specify) | PA source |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Loan/credit | |||||
Grant | 364.30 | 364.30 | UNDP Funding | ||
Equity | |||||
Others (specify) | |||||
Total | 364.30 | 364.30 |
6.2 Year wise estimated cost
(Taka in Lac)
Financial Year | GOB (FE) | PA - | Own Fund (FE) | Others (Specify) | Total | |
RPA | DPA | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
2017-2018 | 267.15 | 267.15 | 534.31 | |||
2018-2019 | 97.15 | 97.15 | 194.29 | |||
Total | 364.30 | 364.30 | 728.60 |