Dispute Settlement Mechanism
Essay by Anani Song • May 16, 2016 • Coursework • 646 Words (3 Pages) • 1,237 Views
-Dispute Settlement Mechanism
2. which WTO rules are breach
3. exceptions (see whether any of the exceptions apply)
i.e.: Malaysia and Singapore signed an agreement on the haze issue
4. If u discuss 1 & 3, u must bring in TBT
5. Procedures
Lecture 4&5 Contracts for the international sale of goods
Goods here refers to movable properties (lands, buildings, assets are not goods)
1. would it be bangla law or international law?
2. choice of forum – which court
3. Incoterms 2010 shall apply – model of terms (contractual terms), certain standard of terms universally applicable
4. Vienna Convention 1980 – international law
5. Obligations: things ur obliged to do
SOGA – Sale of Goods Law (with regards to selling and buying goods)
Breach of contract: One of the term in the contract is not fulfilled
Fundamental breach – major breach
Seller’s remedies – what does the seller wants (obviously buyers have breached contract i.e. non-payment, late payment, lack of information)
Buyer’s remedies – what does the buyers wants (obviously sellers have breached contract i.e. fulfilment)
***passing of risk & property
passing of property means ownership passes
when ownership passes, risk could also be passed (risk: responsibilities)
reservation of title (ownership) clause: seller wants to retain ownership until payment is made WHY? Seller does not wants the goods to be used by the creditors against a bankrupt buyer
force majeur: something happened beyond human control i.e. natural disaster
essential elements: must have those elements otherwise it’s not a valid contract
offer: intention to do something (cf – contrast further) , invitation to treat (just information), supply of information (enquiry and supply of information has no contract), advertisement
acceptance: when a party agree to provide
counter-offer: when a buyer change the price (i.e. car is 100k offered by seller, buyer replied by countering offer of 80k) *** when u counter offer, current offer are not valid anymore.
Consideration: something given by the person accepting to the person making the offer – usually in the form of money
Certainty: contract must be clear i.e. car, what model, how many units, price etc
Once all of the elements is satisfied, it is a contract.
Every Contract has this these three stages:
- Is there a contract? (If there’s no contract u have no rights)
- Is there a breach? (to know u gotta see what does the contract say
- If there’s a breach, what are the remedies u want?
Can terms be inserted after formation? (the moment offer accepted, it means there is an agreement) – NOPE
If there’s a clause stating subject to change, they can change (terms must be reasonable to court’s decision)
Terms are divided to two:
Condition – Something which is very important (can terminate, sue for damages)
Warranty – Something that is less important (can only sue for compensation)
Anticipatory Breach: U can foresee the contract will be breached (breach occurs before the actual date of performance)