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Drivers Ed

Essay by   •  December 15, 2010  •  3,175 Words (13 Pages)  •  2,060 Views

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Driver’s Ed notes

Mr. fielding-is the teacher-he is the drivers Ed teacher. He gets the kids confused

He wishes he didn’t have to be a teacher. When he drives with kids he doesn’t look at the road he looks out the window listening to his walk man

Remy- is in love with Morgan and loves to drive. Her mom just bought her a car so now she’s the first one to turn 16 and get a car. Her mom is 40 and just had a baby. She can’t stand her little brother Mac. She only messed up on time while driving.

Christine-she scared to drive she switches names tags with Remy so she doesn’t have to drive

Lark-is like a best friend to Remy. There almost always together. Lark is the out spoken one she’s not shy at all.

Morgan is the boy who loves to drive and has a secret crush on Remy. Morgan is like the player type guy he has a crush on almost all the girls. But truly is afraid of them

Nickie- he uses to be best friends with Morgan. He’s trying to get his friendship back with Morgan. He’s the bad one in the group.

Mr.Willit-is the choirs’ teacher and tries to make them sing every where

Alexandra-she was gorgeous and had blond hair just like Remy but it was much better then hers and Morgan was secretly in love with her.

So far the book just introduces each character and tells a little bit on them the first 30 pages are mostly based on the characters and the in there driver ed class

It tells you about Remy and her first little accident and how that was the first time she got shock up. Mr.fielding never teaches the kids and thing is like a self teach class. He never pays attention to the point the kids are able to change each other names.

The next pages introduce lark more and this kid they call Nickie he use to be best friends with Morgan but when he went to high school stop hanging around Morgan but now he’s trying to be best friends with Morgan again.

Morgan, lark,remy,and Nickie was suppose to hang out and watch a movie but plans got change when larks mom got sick and she was force to help her mom. So Nickie, Remy, and Morgan decide to go still signs. First they get in the car all three of them sit in the front and Morgan and Remy sits next to each other. Morgan reaches for the seat belt and touches Remy. They sit there just staring at each other when the finally get to the first sign it says thickly settled. When they start to take the sign down Remy didn’t help because she was too afraid of the trouble they where going get into. As she watch nickel and Morgan take the sign she sat and watch a car go by. They all got back into the car and as Remy turned her head Morgan kissed her they sat there it was the happiest moment for Remy and Morgan. Morgan always wonders what Remy hair felt like and to his surprise it was silky. Him and Morgan start to flirt and shortly after they had there second kiss. The next step on there agenda was to still the stop sign on a back road that no one really drives on they park there car in some lot and waited for the cops to make there round. When the cops left they quickly got out of the car many people had try to get the stop sign down but none was successful. They sat and observed the stop sign trying to see why it wouldn’t come down. When it pops in Nickie head it was because of the rust on the bolts. the rust had some how rusted the bolts into the sign so as nicking try to get it down he couldn’t so then Morgan try he sawed it down it was the loudest noise but no one was out there and people where probably in the house watching TV. once they got the sign down it was time to get back into the car Morgan wanted Remy to get in first Remy hated sitting on the out side but getting in first meant she had to be touching Nickie so she insisted that Morgan get in first Nickie noticed that she didn’t want to get in which made him kind of mad and force him to pull off real fast making tier marks. When they got into the car Remy came up with the idea to still the sign Morgan road. Morgan loved the fact that she wanted to take Morgan road and Remy loved the look in his eyes when she said it. She just knew that Morgan cared about her. Morgan was afraid that things would change and wondered how he would act in school toward Remy without people knowing that he was in love with her. He thought about all his friends and there girlfriends and was interrupted but Nickie stopping the car. It now was Remy’s turn to still a sighn.she stood on top of the car and turned the screws counter clock wise but for somehow she couldn’t turn it anymore so Morgan did she watch as he turned it and daydream about her life with him. After they got in the car Remy ask what where they going to do with there signs and where would they put them. She thought that her sign Morgan road would have to go somewhere special but not where her mom could see and ask questions she asks Nickie what he would do with his stop sighs he laughed at her but they where in the dark so she couldn’t see. He then said my parent don’t know anything and wont either. she ask Morgan he didn’t have a clue after a while Nickie says he needs a place to put his sign because his dad would be using it Morgan wanted to call him out about his parents not knowing anything but decided not to. Morgan came up with the idea to put everything in the garage.

In the next pages Remy and Morgan aren’t talking she has to get lark to bring Morgan to one of her basketball games. Remy plays jv but she’s not that good of a player. Morgan hasn’t said a word to Remy he won’t even look at her he acts as if he wishes he never met her. Morgan wanted to ask Remy out after her game. When Remy game was over Morgan was no where to be found. At the j.v victory game Morgan was no where to be found and when Remy got home he didn’t even call her. Remy started to have a break down and decided that she didn’t want to go to church anymore. None of the kids really wanted to go to church. They hated staying there so long and really hated the fact of staying there for so long. Remy ask her brother if he wanted to stop going to church he hated being on Morgan side even though he didn’t want to go to church either he still told her he wouldn’t break his mother heart and loved going



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