Essay by 24 • January 4, 2011 • 550 Words (3 Pages) • 1,158 Views
Everyday millions of people wake, turn on their cars, and head off to work. People are constantly on the road driving here and there. On the road, everyone falls into a different style of driving. Drivers become an aggressive, a defensive, or a cautious driver.
The most feared drivers are the aggressive drivers. Known for driving at speeds over the speed limit, aggressive drivers weave in and out of traffic. These are the individuals that will cut one off and honk their horn when one is traveling at the right speed. They don’t exactly follow the rules of the road and are constantly asking to be pulled over. My good friend Diddy is a perfect example of an aggressive driver. On our way to Florida he would dip in and out of traffic just missing the bumper of the man we just cut off. Another characteristic is their proneness to road rage. One can sometimes see those yelling obscenities or giving illicit hand signals from the safety of their car. One can’t miss these drivers out on the road.
After avoiding the aggressive drivers one will most likely run into the average Joe of driving, the defensive drivers. The defensive driver is the perfect example of how things on the road should be done. One moves with the flow of traffic never speeding nor going too slow and always using the turn signal to warn other of what movements they’re going to make. They follow the law, stopping completely at stop signs and yielding at yellow lights. My mother has proven to me over the years to be a defensive driver. All my life she drove me to school, church, and pathfinders never once coming close to an accident. These drivers are less likely to cause an accident and are always aware of what is going on around them. Always courteous and well mannered the defensive drivers will remain the prime example of a good driver.
Besides the average and aggressive drivers one will find the cautious drivers out on the road. The