Ebe 235 Electrical Power Utilization
Essay by anmol49 • July 25, 2017 • Research Paper • 2,632 Words (11 Pages) • 1,252 Views
EBE 235
Electrical Power Utilization A
ASIGNMENT 1: Chapter 01
This is the first assignment from chapter one of Electrical Power Utilization and will help us to acquire the most basic knowledge about Electrical power utilization. From this assignment we will learn what it means by utilization in Electrical power. We will also be able to define and label the home appliance rating sticker or logo that is called ‘Energy Consumption label’ as well as its roles and responsibilities. This assignment also covers the Electric Supply Act 1990. Furthermore we will learn about the fire alarm circuit such as class ‘A’ circuit, class ‘B’ circuit; features of analog addressable alarm system and differences over analog alarm system.
Answer to the Question No. 01
The meaning of utilization is the use of something effectively. Some definition of it from different dictionary are as follows:
- According to Cambridge dictionary:
‘Utilization is to use something in an effective way’.
- According to Oxford dictionary:
‘The action of making practical and effective use of something’.
From both the above definitions we can define that it is the use of something in an effective manner but in Electrical power, “utilization” is the end result of the generation, transmission, and distribution of electric power.
Answer to the Question No. 02
The following Energy Consumption label defines the energy efficiency of an electrical product like we can be known about the product ratings (that will help us to define the quality of the product), efficiency (compared to average grade products) and so on by this logo. Now let`s identify the label below and define the point out line.
[pic 1]
Figure 01: Energy Consumption label
- Energy rating:
This is the energy rating of an electrical product and that can be in between of one to five star.
- Appliance type:
It defines the appliance type for an example either is it a Television or refrigerator the type of the appliance will be mentioned here.
- Appliance energy rating:
It shows the appliance energy rating that is usually equal to the number of energy rating star and this will be mentioned in a form of number.
- Information of the brand and model:
It shows the brand name like LG, Hisense, Media, sharp or any other brand and the model number of that electrical product,
- Energy consumption:
It describes the energy consumption of the product in KWH.
- Energy saving compared with an average 2start model:
This usually describes that how much it can save the energy compared to other 2 star products of different brands.
- Testing standards used
It describes about the testing standard used to test that product.
Answer to the Question No. 03
The energy consumption or efficiency label for electrical appliances is an awareness label for the consumer attached on the electrical appliances such as (air conditioners, refrigerators .... and other) includes clarification of the appliances' performance and efficiency in the electric energy consumption and providing some necessary information before buying in a clear, simple and easy way. There are some roles and responsibilities of this label those are as follows.
- Economic Regulatory: To promote efficiency and economy in the generation, transmission, distribution, supply and use of electricity and piped gas; promote and protect competition and to ensure a fair market conduct and efficient, or in the event there is no competition in the energy market, ensure that does not happen monopoly case in terms of generation, production, distribution of electricity and gas industry.
- Regulatory Technical: Ensuring electricity and piped gas supply is secure, reliable and good quality.
- Regulatory Safety: To protect the public from dangers arising from the generation, transmission and distribution electricity and piped gas supply and utilization.
- Protection: To protect consumers in dispute resolution, affordability of services and supplies, as well as quality service providers, energy.
Answer to the Question No. 04
The Electricity Supply Act 1990 is an act to provide for the regulation of the electricity supply industry, the supply of electricity at reasonable prices, the licensing of any electrical installation, the control of any electrical installation, plant and equipment with respect to matters relating to the safety of persons and the efficient use of electricity and for purposes connected therewith.
There are some purpose of this Electric supply Act 1990 and among them the main four purpose are as follows:
- One of most important purpose of Electric supply Act 1990 is to promote the efficient use of electricity.
- Another purpose is to determine the standards, specifications, practices and measures for the efficient use of electricity.
- The third main purpose is the installation to meet requirements in respect of the efficient use of electricity.
- The fourth main purpose is equipment to meet requirements in respect of the efficient use of electricity.
Answer to the Question No. 05
With all of the regulations and technology meant to keep people safe it's often easy to lose track of the meanings behind terminology. For example, every building has to have a fire alarm system, but the difference between a Class-A system and a Class-B system is something very few people know.
When a fire alarm is sounded, whether through a smoke detector, heat panel, or a pull switch, certain things happen within the system. An alarm usually goes off in a central security area for the building, and the same alarm is sent to the fire department. Then any peripheral devices, such as sprinkler systems, which are connected to the sounding alarm, will be activated.