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Energy Performance System

Essay by   •  March 2, 2017  •  Case Study  •  1,080 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,123 Views

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Energy Performance Systems, Inc. (EPS) provides an innovative approach to the production of clean energy through the use of a renewable energy source and clean energy technologies. EPS developed and patented Whole Tree Energy™ (WTE™) power technology, along with the associated EPS injection planter and Whole Tree Harvester. There are three key features that make this technology different

1) Using whole hardwood trees

2) Drying the whole tree

3) Three-stage combustion process

Even though studies have revealed successful results, There are some issue to be concerned regarding this technology such as :

1) The environment and pollution

2) Jobs and economic development

3) Buying interest of utility

In this study case,

We will study, analyze the meaning and perception of this technology. To solve figure out the alternatives to solve the issue as follow :

(1) In a utility’s decision whether to buy and use this WTE technology

(a) Who comprise the buying center and

(b) What aspect of buying decision does each look at

Whole Tree Energy (WTE) is a renewable energy system that includes the use of crop-raised whole trees in biomass power plants to produce clean energy. The clean combustion design, as well as the use of fast-growing farm-raised trees, results in a closed-loop energy production system. Therefore the Utility buyer (Market group) are the Energy companies or Government agencies in some countries.

Buying process of the organization at this level need to be revised closely since Energy industry is very essential and impactful. Decision making must be concluded by many departments involved. There are some issue that we believe those are the major factors.

a) Long-term investment

Whole tree energy (WTE) technology requires huge amount of investment in the beginning so that might be one of the factor that customer concern if the technology will return worth amount. Also the huge amount of investment have to revise systematically and it might take time throughout the buying process.

b) Environment and pollution

Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning power plants are some of the largest contributors to global warming. The carbon dioxide produced by the WTE system is completely offset by the carbon dioxide sequestered in the trees used as the fuel source. Which mean WTE have huge advantage on their clean energy technology.

c) Social responsibility

Now a day organization’s image has become magnificently important to the organization. Therefore it impacts a lot on marketing strategy of the organization as well. By creating clean energy will help improving the image most of the energy companies. As we have seen many protests against energy plan. The state-of-the-art clean energy technology will be introduced to the society and change the old perception of energy producing process.

(2) What are some of the key elements EPS should have in developing its strategy to market WTE to prospective utility buyer ?

In order to market WTE to the utility buyer, we address some of the key elements as follow :

a) Education

Since the WTE is quite new, the technology should be introduced globally and become well-known to both the utility buyer and the community. The community is one of the biggest concerned to the utility buyer. EPS should look forward to the end-user not only the utility buyer. EPS should point out the strength of the WTE such as biomass plants that produces clean energy, renewable energy system that include the use of whole tree in a process involving. Once WTE become well-known, the utility buyer will consider buying the WTE technology easier.

b) Create Awareness

Social media have become a part of human life. It affects people mindset and behavior. We would suggest EPS to develop social media channels and reach people all over the world. There are some strategy we believe will be effectiveness. For example

- Create viral video about how “clean” is WTE.

- Create education video about Global warm and its cause.

- Create video about how the future look like without “Green Energy”

c) Create relationship

Relationship with customer is very essential and worthy. However we also aim to create relationship surround customer as well. Our strategy are build up a good relationship with non-profit or environment concerned organization. Let them involve with researching, evaluating and certified WTE. All that to build up “Trust” to the customer.




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