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English Comp

Essay by   •  April 30, 2011  •  488 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,606 Views

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English Composition is a class that is needed for all functions of life. Without comprehension of literature, language, and sentence formation, a person cannot go through the basic tasks of life. Most careers involve the handing in of a resume, and then proposals to follow. Not to mention persuasive schemes to convince your boss to follow a plan you have designed. Corresponding to far away loved ones, via hand-written or e-mail, means much more when it the language is passionate and bold. Written language is one of the only ways someone can express himself or herself personally.

The great writers of the nineteenth and twentieth century greatly influenced society today. Ernest Hemingway brought the art of minimalism into literature. Minimalism is to strip the work down to its most fundamental features. By doing this, he created a harsh, accurate realization of what the world is really like. Edgar Allen Poe showed the world through tales of death and grief, that there was still beauty in it, and Ralph Waldo Emerson introduced the idea of transcendentalism through his essays and poems. Without these works of art, our society would not be influenced as it is. People would not know to question their authority to get a deeper meaning.

Taking AP English classes in high school and English 101 and 102 in college as influenced my writing greatly. I cannot read a book or an essay without noticing every form of figurative language sentence structure. The building blocks of each class, respectively, have helped me improve my writing for school, and my writing for the business I help to manage. I am repeatedly instructed to write business plans, theses, and how-tos. To get into my position, I had to fabricate a resume and a letter of intent. My Director of Operations is an English major so I felt complied to put together a resume that not only proved my merit through merely words, but also showed my grasp for academics. Without have taking these classes, I am



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