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Ethical Filter

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Ethical Filter Worksheet

Rico Wills

University of Phoenix

Mick House, MBA

August 1, 2005


Personal Source

Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions.

Trust My personal source for trust was the teachings and example of my parents. I listed Trust first because I feel that in any work environment in order for the group dynamic and the concept of teamwork to be effective, staff must trust in the abilities of others.

Honesty My personal source for honesty was the teachings and example of my parents. I listed Honesty here due to the fact that it is very important to me but it seems that currently a large portion of society only practices this when it is convenient .This causes a major concern in the work place if those involved are not honest at all times. When asked for input honesty should be expected in order for growth to take place.

Integrity My personal source for integrity was the teachings and example of my parents. I listed integrity her because it is a catch all to me for all those unspecified values that my mother raised me to demonstrate. As of late it seems that integrity is missing from a large portion of the business community and in its place profitability. This is an serious issue for me coming from the non-profit sector.

Accountability My personal



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