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Extreme Shyness

Essay by   •  November 20, 2011  •  1,065 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,279 Views

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Organizational Method: Topical

Topic : "Extreme Shyness"

General Solution : To Inform

Specific Purpose : To inform my audience about three ways to reduce shyness.

Central Idea : The three ways of reducing extreme shyness are by identifying your shyness, finding your strength and developing communication skills.


I. First of all, let me give one situation about extreme shyness.

II. This situation sound like this, when you step into the room full of strangers and when you look around. There is no one person that you know there. Your heart starts pounding, your hands begin to sweat, and your mouth goes dry. When someone comes up to speak to you, your mind goes blank. You also barely remember your own name. You are blushing so hard, and you don't know how to communicate with them. At that time, how can you feel? You feel you want cry.

III. Sound Familiar? Almost everyone, at some point in their lives has experienced these feelings of panic and disorientation.

IV. In fact, only about 7% of the population claims that they never feel shy. For the rest of us, shyness can range from being an occasional, minor inconvenience, to being a major problem (Royane Real, 2006).

V. The information that I want to share with you today are comes from my experience, reading a number of thesis and article, also came from my friends.

VI. So, I will explain how to reduce the extreme shyness, the part that I have learned are by using identifying your shyness, finding strength and developing communication skills.

(Transition: Let's start with the identifying your shyness.)


I. Firstly, to reduce extreme shyness is by identifying your shyness.

A. According to Dr. Bernardo J. Carducci of the Shyness Research Institute,

Shyness Exists because of three factors:

1. The first is excessive self consciousness. Self consciousness is that 'everyone is watching me' feeling. Another word, self- consciousness is central to the experience of shyness.

2. The second is excessive negative self evaluation. The thoughts that, there is something wrong with you, you say and do the wrong things. Basically, you see yourself in a negative light.

3. The last factor is excessive negative self-preoccupation. It can be when you are overly aware of what you are doing, and see it in a negative light.

B. So, you are feeling shyness because you take an action in a negative ways. For example, you would not speak very well: avoid eye contact and displaying any of the other action of shyness.

C. To identifying the shyness, we can ask the question "Why are people shy?" From this question, we can clearly define are by genetic and life experience.

1. Genetic

a. Our genes determine our physical traits, like height, eye colour, skin colour, and body type, but genes also influence certain personality traits, including shyness

2. Life Experience

a. When people are faced with a situation that may lead them to feel shy.

b. For example, if people avoid and control shyness little by little, it can help them become more confident and comfortable. But if they feel pushed into situations they don't feel prepared for, or if they are teased or bullied, it can more shyness.

(Transition: Now you have learnt about one of the ways to reduce extreme shyness by identify your shyness, let's look at the second way is finding your strength.)

II. The second ways to reducing extreme shyness is by finding your strength.

A. I don't just mean sitting and thinking "Hmmm....what is my strengths?"

1. Research has uncovered patterns in how people discover their strengths, and



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