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Food for Thought Response

Essay by   •  March 28, 2016  •  Course Note  •  380 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,136 Views

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Food For Thought Response

1. How would the students at the high school you attend have responded to a course such as the one Grossman described?

I think the students at my high school would be very open to this idea. My high school already offers a wide variety of classes that would fit into the home economics category, and they are very popular. However, the reason kids at my high school are taking these classes are not to learn skills that will benefit them in their futures but to get an easy A. They take them to bump up their GPA’s so they can graduate.

2. Do you think that offering such a course would be a good idea? Why, or why not?

Like have already discussed, my high school already offers these courses and they have a lot of students taking them. I do think that these types of classes should be offered more. The only problem would be the mindset of the students. If her goal is to expose them to these skills, then yes these courses should be offered. If she actually wants them to learn the skills and be prepared, then I think she shouldn't waste her time because that won't happen. High school students especially have the attitude of finding the easiest classes to get A’s in and taking as many of those types of classes that will fit in their schedule. These types of classes teach valuable skills that students will use in their lives, but I'm not sure how well students would remember or practice the skills after they finish the class.

3. How convincing is Grossman’s argument that there is a need for consumer education?

I would say her argument was fairly weak. She doesn't give any evidence of the benefits these classes are having on these kids. If she included some statistics in her argument she would be more convincing.

4. How



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