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Essay by   •  June 3, 2011  •  1,557 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,132 Views

Essay Preview: Game/Rulebook

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Instructions and Rules


The purpose of this game is to have fun and socialize with individuals while at a party or some other type of social event where individuals are consuming alcohol. Plus, it gives all those involved yet another reason to drink.

Age: 21+

Number of Players: 3 to 8

Playing Time: As long as it takes for those playing to get bored.


* One (1) Standard 52-card Deck of U.S. Playing Cards (No Jokers)

* One (1) Twenty-Five Cent piece of legal U.S. Tender (A Quarter) per player

* One (1) Ping-Pong Ball (Optional)

* Two (2) Standard Plastic Keg Cups per player

* Beer of Choice

Set Up


Players should sit or stand around a table. Almost any venue will be acceptable.

Note: Playing in overly crowded places and churches are discouraged.

Beer Cup

Players should place each of their two keg cups in front of them on the table. For each player, one of the keg cups must to be filled with the beer of their choice to the top indent of the cup. This is their beer cup. Every beer cup must be filled to this point at all times throughout the duration of the game. When the amount of beer falls below that point, it must be refilled, once the required amount of consumption is complete, in order for the game to continue.

Quarter Cup

Each player shall store their quarter in the empty keg cup placed in front of them before and after bouts.

How to Play

This game is played in bouts. There is no limit to the number of bouts that can be played. Before a bout can begin, each player must have their beer cup properly filled and must have their quarter in their quarter cup. Each player is dealt a card. The person with the highest card (Aces are the highest) is the player who will start the first bout. No other player is allowed to start the bout. The bout begins when the starting player dumps their quarter out of their quarter cup and onto the table and begins to shoot.


The goal of this portion of the game is to shoot your quarter into your quarter cup as fast as you can. Shooting begins once the starting player dumps out their quarter. Each player must quickly follow by dumping out their quarters as well. Each player, including the starting player, then places their quarter cup standing upright in front of them and begins to "shoot" or bounce their quarter into their quarter cup.

Shooting consists of holding the quarter in one hand and throwing it in a manner so that it bounces off the table and into the cup. No other methods may be used. The quarter is only allowed to be thrown by the hand and must bounce off only the table before going in the quarter cup and the cup must be standing upright.

Note: There are strategies for more accurate shooting, but we will let you explore different tactics on your own.

Each player's quarter is their own responsibility and they must retrieve it on their own accord no matter where it goes. Additionally, each player is only allowed to shoot into their cup at this time.

The first player to legally shoot their quarter into their cup yells, "Drink!" Once announced, all other players must pick up their beer cup and begin drinking from it while they continue to shoot into their cup. The shooting rules still apply as they drink.

Once a player shoots their quarter into their cup they are called "made." When a player becomes made they begin shooting their quarter into the cups of players that are still shooting, i.e. players who are not yet made. If a made player shoots their quarter into an unmade player's cup before they do, the unmade player stops shooting, must drink all of the beer in their beer cup, and they are called "done," which means they are only allowed to watch for the rest of the shooting portion of the bout.

Note: If a quarter cup is knocked over while shooting, a made player is allowed to shoot into the cup as long as the quarter still bounces off the table first.

Shooting continues until every player is either made or done. At the end of shooting, if four (4) or more players were made, the bout is over. If, at the end, between one (1) and three (3) players were made, they then play war. If all players are made by the end of shooting, then everyone plays quarters.


The goal of this portion of the game is to have the highest card. At the end of shooting, if there are between one (1) and three (3) players who are made, then they, those who were made, will play war. All beer cups must be properly filled.

Note: If only one person is made by the end of shooting, then that player challenges another player to war.

The playing cards are distributed evenly amongst those playing. Players are not allowed to see their cards and must keep them in a stack, face side down. Players flip over their top cards at the same time



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