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Gas Prices

Essay by   •  November 26, 2010  •  605 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,575 Views

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Gas Prices

One major problem I would love to fix would be the gas prices. Transportation is a necessity for almost all Americans. It is unbelievable that this country is able to pump millions of dollars out for new technology for war but is able to give no relief with the gas prices.

If gas was affordable the economy would be in a much better position. People are paying about eighty dollars every week on average to pay for gas. Even though the price of the dollar is falling people would definitely be able to use this money at the end of the month for their car payment. The amount of people on vacation has dropped about 19 percent which is a pretty big number. Prices for airline tickets have also increased highly as well, and there is no substitute that will save gas on trips to other countries.

Gas since 2002 has risen from 1.32 cents to almost triple that in just the last six years. From the time my parents where born and the year 2002 gas only went up about a dollar. Our generation was never able to have the price of gas let alone anything for a cheap price. Soon gas prices are going to be so high that people will need to work overtime just to make up for the transportation on the way to work. “Americans drive more than 2.5 trillion miles per year in automobiles, light trucks and SUVs, according to a MEMA report. That's equal to 14,000 round trips to the sun.” (Bonsor) For a country that pushes that much money for gas we should be getting aid in some sort of way.

The only two things I could imagine to fix this problem would be new technology or a boycott. If all commuters would avoid gas for a few days the government would have to lower the price because it all works with supply and demand. The main problem with this is that it is almost impossible for people to change their ways of commuting and hold to it until a change occurs. Technology is the only other thing that will be able to give instant relief. There is an engine that runs on water which could put a permanent stop of this prices sky rocketing. The problem



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