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Gay Marriage

Essay by   •  May 27, 2011  •  1,094 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,073 Views

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Same-sex marriage is a term for a governmentally, socially, or religiously recognized marriage in which two people of the same sex live together as a family.[1] Other terms for this type of relationship include "gay marriage", "gender-neutral marriage," "equal marriage," "lesbian marriage," "same-sex civil marriage", "marriage equality", "homosexual marriage," "single-sex marriage", "same-gender marriage" or just simply "marriage".

Although there are some states or countries granting same-sex marriage, it has still argument against gay marriage.

The Arguments Against Gay Marriage

1. Marriage is a sacred institution. Some opponents object to same-sex marriage on purely religious grounds. Marriage is a sacrament designed by God that serves as a metaphor for the relationship between Christ and His Church. Tampering with His plan for the family is immoral and wrong. To violate the Lord's expressed will for humankind, especially in regard to behavior that He has prohibited, is to court disaster. For Catholics, marriage is social as well as religious, but its religious aspects are very important. The Bible repeatedly compares the relationship between man and wife to that between God and Israel or between Christ and his Church . For Catholics, marriage is a holy vocation. Since the Church sees marriage as holy, it believes it must be treated with reverence. It also recognizes that marriage is basic to the health of society and therefore a public institution that must be defended against harm.

2. Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman or marriage is traditionally a heterosexual institution. Thus same-sex marriage would threaten the institution of marriage.

3. Marriages are for procreation and ensuring the continuation of the species. A common objection to same-sex marriage is that the purpose of marriage is a result of naturally occurring sexual attraction that leads to procreation and that the same-sex partnership is inherently sterile. They argue that heterosexual unions provide the procreative foundation of the family unit that is the chief social building block of civilization. They also argue that the definition proposed by same-sex marriage advocates changes the social importance of marriage from its natural function of reproduction into a mere legality or freedom to have sex..

4. Homosexuality is unnatural. For most people, heterosexual relationships are the norm, both in society and in nature. Homosexual relationships are thus abnormal and unnatural; therefore, they shouldn't be validated by the state nor recognized as a form of marriage.

5. Same-sex marriage would start us down a "slippery slope" towards legalized incest, bestial marriage, polygamy and all kinds of other horrible consequences.

6. major belief systems about homosexuality Being heterosexual, most probably feel uncomfortable with the idea of homosexual behavior. They may regard same-sex behavior as intrinsically sinful, no matter what the nature of the relationship.

7. They think that, With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach that this perversion is the moral equivalent of traditional marriage between a man and a woman. Textbooks, even in conservative states, will have to depict man/man and woman/woman relationships, and stories written for children as young as elementary school, or even kindergarten, will have to give equal space to homosexuals.

8. If homosexuality results from environmental conditions, children raised by homosexual parents will be more likely to turn out gay than children raised by normal parents. In some studies, children raised by homosexual partners seem to suffer from sex-role confusion. Children raised by both biological parents are significantly healthier, happier and better adjusted emotionally than kids raised by single parents of either sex. There seem to be good reasons that children need both biological parents. The sexes are different. Because gender is a real phenomenon, it should come as no surprise that men and women parent differently. Men and women bring different, complementary skills to childrearing. Men are more likely to play expansively with their children than to do



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