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German Mice-Market

Essay by   •  January 11, 2011  •  5,795 Words (24 Pages)  •  1,897 Views

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The Meeting Industry in Germany

- Development and Recent Trends -

International Tourism Student Conference (ITSC)

Business Tourism

The Meeting Industry in Germany

- Development and recent Trends -

Presented to the:

Paper Review Panel of the International Student Conference

IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems,


Presented by:

Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences,



To approach the MICE-industry in more detail every letter of the acronym MICE is looked at individually. The intention is to provide key data that offers the pos-sibility for deduction as well as a comparison with other international meeting

destinations. All presented data is taken from the studies of AUMA, GCB Meeting and Event Barometer, ghh consult, TNS Infratest GmbH and VDR Travel Report. The statistical universe of each study is defined in Appendix B. The outcomes predicate that there is a growing international participation in fairs and trade shows. In the same way the strategic geographical position of Germany will at-tract more businesses. It could be detected that despite the fact that companies need meetings as mean to keep their employees informed, trained and moti-vated, each event has to proof its effectiveness and efficiency.


Content II

List of Tables and Figures III

Apprehension IV

Biographical Notes V

1 Introduction 1

2 Business Travel 1

3 Corporate Travel 3

4 Meetings 5

5 Incentive Travel 9

6 Exhibitions & Trade fairs 11

7 Major Players 13

8 SWOT вЂ"Analysis (Germany as meeting site) 16

9 Conclusion/ Future Trends 17

Bibliography VI

Appendix A VIII

Appendix B X

List of Tables and Figures

List of Tables

Table 1: Business vs. leisure tourism 2

Table 2: Meetings вЂ" Share after meeting type 8

Table 3: Positioning of LH within international scheduled flight traffic 14

List of Figures

Figure 1: Share of capacities on meeting locations 7


AEA Association of European Airlines

AG Aktiengesellschaft

Amex American Express

AUMA Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der deutschen Wirtschaft

BCD BCD Travel (3rd largest global Travel Management Company)

BDRC Business Development Research Consultants

BMWI Bundesministerium fÐ"јr Wirtschaft und Technik

BVA Bundesverband deutscher Autovermieter

BTI Business Travel International

CATI Computer Aided Telephone Interviewing

CWT Carlson Wagonlit Travel

DB AG Deutsche Bahn AG

DeGefest Deutsche Gesellschaft zur FÐ"¶rderung und Entwicklung des

Seminar- und Tagungswesens

DER Deutsches ReisebÐ"јro

DWIF Deutsches Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Institut

fÐ"јr Fremdenverkehr

DZT Deutsche Zentrale fÐ"јr Tourismus

e. V. eingetragener Verein

FVW Fremdenverkehrswirtschaft International

GCB German Convention Bureau

GDP Gross Domestic Product

GmbH Gesellschaft mit beschrÐ"¤nkter Haftung

IATA International Air Transport Association

ICE InterCityExpress

IPK Institut fÐ"јr Planungskybernetik

KLM Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Royal Dutch Airlines)

LCC Lufthansa City Center

MICE Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conferences and Conventions,


PCO Professional Congress Organizers

SAS Scandinavian Airlines System

SITE Society of Incentive & Travel Executives

SME Small Medium Enterprises

TQ3 Nachfolger von TUI Business Travel

TUI Touristik Union International

VDR Verband Deutsches Reisemanagement e. V.

WTO World Tourism Organization

Biographical Notes

Authors profiles

1 Introduction




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