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German Tuition Fee

Essay by   •  April 19, 2011  •  484 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,013 Views

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Comparison of tuition fees in the world


- between 3.900 and 23.000 € for one year

- students from lower social classes pay average 2.500 € on the cheapest university

- 25% get a governmental scholarship

- 50% financial support from private organisations

“scholarships agency” пÑ"Ё apply


- universities arise tuition fees since their foundation in the end of the 19. century

- governmental uniÐ'Ò's students pay 3.900 € ( = 520800 YEN )

- private uniÐ'Ò's twice of this amount

- No financial support , only a creditprogram like in Germany


- All universities arise tuition fees

- The government appoints a maximum, which varied between different faculty

- For example: medical degree: 8000 A$ = 4.600 € ; Teacher: 3850 A$ = 2250€

- Accrued charges between 3% and 6% from the salary ( when 25000 A$ )

OVERVIEW in average

USA: 100.000 € ( 4years )

AUSTRALIA 38.000 € ( 4years )

GB: 60.000 € ( 3years )

Germanys financial programm for the tuition fees

The german examplar ist a kind of advance- system. It allows the students to decide, if they want to pay the 500€ fee at the beginning of each semester or at the end of their studies.

KFW вЂ" credit

The credit вЂ" contract is between a normal bank ( only agent ) and the student himself. The assumption is the enrollment , not financial possibilities.

- outpayment max. 650 € a month minus the interest of 5.1%

- there is no amortization until 2 years after finisihing the studies

- repayment starts 2 years after for max. 25 years

Exceptions for disabled people and BafÐ"¶G вЂ" acceptors. But this is still in development.


From the department of the german economy IW cologne

1. first 13 schoolyears until abitur = 60.000 €

2. Exams



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