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Harley Davidson

Essay by   •  January 18, 2011  •  818 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,180 Views

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MKTG 405 Sec.1


1. Is Harley-Davidson a Global Brand?

Do they have any competitive advantages? CSA? FSA?

What do you think of their decision not to produce overseas?

Ans. Well, HarleyвЂ"Davidson has always been exporting ever since it was founded and is still now a global brand.

Yes they do have competitive advantage in both CSA and FSA. When going global, Harley Davidson was known for its large motorcycles, which was an advantage on the side for FSA where it had more of safety and looks, with its line of Harley Davidson Accessories and everyone wanted a ride with Harley-Davidson’s “Made in America” trend, which is on the side of CSA.

As when the company looked into producing overseas, it was a bad idea because then the American Made motor cycle would lose its touch of being a global American Motorcycle. Teerlink said that “our customers are buying a piece of the American dream. Overseas manufacturing wouldn’t work for them”.

2. What are the challenges and opportunities Harley-Davidson are facing?

Ans. The challenges that Harley-Davidson are facing is that at first, they had to develop there quality and improving the service to the customers and dealers. It is quite expensive, thus, limiting younger generations to buy. There are other competitions from all over the world including America itself. A main challenge for them was that it didn’t have a feminine attraction towards it.

The opportunities that Harley-Davidson is facing are that they have a global name, thus making there motorcycles a well-known product. They introduced the V-Rod which was proving very hard to get because of the demands. Harley- Davidson are showing a lot of progress in there product with their own training institute to encourage and train more people to ride their motorbikes.

3. How do you evaluate Harley-Davidson marketing strategy to appeal to their target market in the USA and Abroad? Any suggestions?

Ans. Their market strategies in the Us are a bit better than abroad. My suggestions would be (in the US) for them to have a better advertisement approach. Let the customers know that this motorbike is as safe as it looks. To show the customers that it better to ride safe then not be safe at all, for everyone knows that the Harley-Davidsons are the safest motorbike around with it protections. If they wanted to attract the younger generations, they should make the bike a bit more fashionable or fancier towards there younger customer needs and wants.

In a global market, the Harley Davidson has developed a name in which, everyone knows what it is and where its made. They must have an approach to countries where they



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