Human Development Index
Essay by shak • January 27, 2016 • Presentation or Speech • 2,832 Words (12 Pages) • 1,298 Views
Submitted By: SHAKEELA Sqn Ldr ( R ) |
12/13/2015 |
Table of Content
- Introduction Page 03
- The Concept And Objective Of Human Development Page 04
- The Founder Of Human Development Index Page 04
- Human Development Question, Principles Page05
and Application
- Collection Of Data And Measurement Page 06
- Dilemma Of Pakistan And its Global Place Page 07
- 2nd Open –BDA Summit 2015 And Requirement Page 09
Of Doctrine
- Conclusion Page 12
REPORT Copy No 01
“If a metaphor is used, human development accounting represents a house and Human Development Index is the door to the house. One should not mistake the door to be the house and one should not stop at the door, rather one should enter the house.”
Human development report office
Whenever, one person has been killed by another, two humans are dead at the same moment, the killer and the victim. Similarly whenever wars has happens so the fear. Any kind of insecurity or fear brings with it four elements courage, helplessness, surrender and death. Mostly, it comes with the name of forces ( all kind). History is witness the truth that the savior of one nation is the killer of the other. Most of the human rights smashed during wars. In book “why nations goes to war” (fifth edition) Johng. Stoessinger said that “war is a sickness, though it may be humankind’s sickness unto death”.
But in parallel it increases of human compassion and global consciousness. The wars also bring humanity in equal proportion to imbalance the inhumanity and this transformation is called “alchemy” the time, turning of metal into gold.
The concept of human development.
- The concept of human development arose from dissatisfaction in the post world war period. Human development is the process of enlarging the range of people choices and freedoms. the choices are :
- What individuals value and wish for
- Change over time depending on the place, period and person involved.
- Vary from the same person in different context.
The objective of human development.
- People often value things that do not show up in income or growth figures like access to knowledge, respect of humanity, dignity, secure livelihood, freedom of expression.
- The human development objective is very simple “to create an environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative life” people are a nation’s wealth and ought to be at the centre of development process. Every individual has economic, political and cultural rights regardless of nationality, ethnicity, language, gender and religion.
The founder of human development concept
- Dr. Mahbu-ul-Haq was the first Pakistani; he was the game theorist, economist, and a professor of microeconomics at Karachi University. He was the 13th Finance Minister of Pakistan, a writer of book “Reflection on Human Development”. His work opens the avenues for 20:20 Global Compact, UN Economic Security Council and UN Economic and Social Council. He was the director of the World Bank policy planning department. Dr. Haq was known as “ the most articulate and persuasive spokesman for the developing world”
- Dr. Haq was the person who alleged that 22 industrial family groups had come to dominate the economy and financial life cycle of Pakistan and that they control about two third of industrial assets, 80% of banking and 79% of insurance assets in the industrial domain.
- He supported the taxation on the powerful families but due to bad politics, he left Pakistan in 1971 due to disappointment on the government response. This is the same time, when East Pakistan becomes Bangladesh.
- Bhutto tried his level best to call him back and offered to join the ministry but he refused due to the opposite views on socialist economies. On the request of Gen. Zia-ul-Haq, he came back in 1982 and takes the charge of Ministry Of Finance. He was also associated with Ministry Of Defence. He was the first chairman of executive committee of Space Research Commission and also assisted team in nuclear policy. Dr. Haq has given the five year plan to South Korea to progress as a special advisor of UNDP. He inaugurated. HUMAN DEVELOPMENT CENTRE in 1996.
- He was the one who shifted the focus of development economics from national income accounting to people centered policies.
The human development question, principle and application
- Human development have also question that how two countries with same level of GNI per capita can end up with different human development outcomes. The human development approach attempt to achieve core development principles,
- Equity
- Productivity /efficiency
- Participation /empowerment
- Sustainability
- By applying human development principles people center approaches can generate the following:
- Pro-poor policies
- Inclusive growth
- Access to justice
- Trade on human terms
- Sustainable human development
- The foundational question of this approach are the ‘who, where and how’ of development and not only ‘what’ of development. Human development is multidimensional, multidisciplinary, and evolving. If it is not human development oriented economic growth can end up being jobless, ruthless, rootless, voiceless and futureless.
Collection of data and measurement
- The collection of human development data allows to design evidence based policy making, but data should be collected from people in a way that encourages their participation. The new method in 2010 was announced to measure the HDI by measuring the average achievement in key dimensions of human development
- Long and healthy life
- Being knowledgeable
- Decent standard of living
- Health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at birth component using minimum value of 20 years and maximum value of 85 years. The education component measured by mean of year of schooling for adults aged 25 years and expected year of schooling for children of is their school entering age. The standard of living dimension is measured by GNI per capita. GNI is the sum of value added by all resident producers and any product taxes.
HDI= 3
HDI is the geometric mean of above mentioned indices.
Dilemma of Pakistan and its global place in HDI