Importance and Legalization of Marijuana
Essay by JoeOkoth • April 24, 2018 • Essay • 1,183 Words (5 Pages) • 904 Views
Name: Joe Okoth
Instructor: Humphrey Bingi
Course: Sociology
Date: 24th April 2018
Legalization of marijuana is among the most controversial issues in the modern society. Marijuana is prepared from dried flowering, leaves and seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana was used for different purposes in the past but has taken a downfall in the modern world today. Marijuana may be an addictive drug and it is illegal to possess in many countries. Nevertheless, recent studies has shown that apart from the negative qualities associated with marijuana, its use has many medical benefits which outweighs the negative health side effects associated with it. In addition, marijuana has been used in religious and spiritual purposes for ages around the world. Even though marijuana use has been marked dangerous in the past and in this present time, beneficial usage of marijuana has resurfaced. These recent studies makes marijuana a misunderstood drug as many had presumed that usage of marijuana is dangerous but it can be precisely the reverse. Due to this misunderstanding many are indecisive on whether to legalize marijuana or not, therefore, making this issue debated social issues around the world. Therefore, with evidence from recent studies indicating the medicinal, religious and economic benefits of using marijuana in the modern society; the focus is to support marijuana legalization.
The first reason for legalization of marijuana is “Medical Marijuana”; medical marijuana speaks of the use of cannabis to treat or improve ailments and other medical conditions. Medical marijuana has been widely debated in many states and countries all over the world. Moreover, the use of medical marijuana has not been thoroughly investigated due to government restrictions and regulations, but the studies done indicate that consumption marijuana has risks and side effects but it may be better than other alternative medicines. Medical marijuana is now commonly used by cancer and HIV/AIDS patients. Cancer patients under chemotherapy use marijuana to reduce chronic pain, combat vomiting and nausea effect. HIV/AIDS patients on the other hand use marijuana to alleviate appetite and treat muscle spasms. The concern because of side effects and risks of marijuana consumption is greatly outweighed by its medical benefits. In addition, many countries have acknowledged and embraced the medical properties of this plant and have recommended its use under strict law with prescription from a physician. Therefore, since use of medical marijuana will improve medical conditions for cancer and HIV/AIDS patients, marijuana should be legalized.
Marijuana legalization can also be argued from the point of prohibition cost. The government allocates a lot of resources in criminalization of marijuana; prohibition is quite costly. Despite marijuana being illegal, many individuals still possess and use marijuana and the result is not only wasted resources but also wasted lives arrested and imprisoned for cannabis use and possession. Unfortunately, despite prohibition being costly, it has not affected usage and possession of marijuana. According to Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron, a whooping $8.7 billion a year is being spent for enforcing laws against marijuana in the United States and what are we getting for the billions of dollars spent in stopping cannabis use? Nothing. The amount of government revenue devoted to criminalization of marijuana can be used to fund more important public service. For this reason legalization of marijuana will save billions.
Marijuana is the same plant as hemp; cannabis sativa. Many years ago, hemp was commercially produced to make paper, rope, textiles and canvas. Regardless of the economic and commercial potential of hemp, it was banned all over the world. However, commercial potential of hemp is enormous; for example, an acre of marijuana can produce four times more paper than an acre of trees, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture. In fact, there is no other plant species capable of producing as much paper as hemp. In addition, hemp can also be used in textile industry as a substitute for cotton as hemp fiber can be used to make all types of clothes and is 10 times stronger than cotton. Cotton compared to hemp in terms of productivity; hemp produces twice as much fiber than cotton, it naturally repels weeds and parasites which is cost effective as it requires no pesticides. Hemp is also used to produce wood like building materials which can substitute wood; these wood like