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Increase Indonesian Students Competency of Scientific Literacy Based on Pisa

Essay by   •  January 23, 2017  •  Essay  •  854 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,101 Views

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Every citizen on a variety of secondary needs to have knowledge, understanding, and skills scientific literate and it is a necessity. Students can't reach performance high without the guidance of a skilled and professional teachers, sufficient learning time, motion, and learning resources. All this is inseparable from the support of the sciences educational system. Scientific literacy emerged as a result of the challenges facing the global community , the bigger associated with the provision of adequate food and water ,disease control , produce enough energy and adaptation to climate change (UNEP , 2012). Scientific literacy is a key competence in preparing a generation that is able to use knowledge and information sciences to interact with life’s challenges (OECD , 2013).

In 2003, PISA study (Programme for International Student Assessment) showed that Indonesia number 38 of the 41 participating countries in the field of science literacy. While in TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), Indonesia occupied the No. 34 of the 45 participating countries. (Ali, 2006). The quality of education Indonesia is reflected in both the international study is still not satisfactory. As Amien (1992) states that, “Pendidikan sains merupakan salah satu aspek pendidikan yang menggunakan sains sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan umumnya yakni tujuan pendidikan nasional dan tujuan pendidikan sains khususnya, yaitu untuk meningkatkan pengertian terhadap dunia alamiah”.

Associated with scientific literacy , students Indonesia still lags far behind. This is evidenced by data from tests Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) is the study of literacy that aims to examine periodically about the ability of students of age 15 years (class III and class I junior high school) in reading literacy, mathematics literacy, and scientific literacy. Research done PISA covers three periods, namely the 2000, 2003, and 2006. PISA studies carried out by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co- operation Development &) and the Unesco Institute for Statistics that measure students ' ability at the end of the age of compulsory education to know the readiness of students meet the challenges of the knowledge society today. The assessment is done in PISA are oriented toward the future, i.e. testing the ability of the young man to use their skills and knowledge to face the challenges of real life, not merely measure the capabilities that are listed in the school curriculum.

The process of science refers to mental processes involved when answering a question or solve a problem, such as identifying and interpreting the evidence as well as explain the conclusions (Rustaman et al., 2004). Pisa (2000) sets out the five components of the process of science in the science literacy assessment, namely: (1) Recognize scientific questions, i.e. questions that can be investigated scientifically, such as identifying questions that can be answered by science; (2) identify the evidence required in scientific inquiry. This process involves the identification of the necessary proof of submission or to answer questions in an inquiry of science, or the procedures necessary to obtain evidence; (3)



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