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Jet Blue Pr Campaign: Strategy Paper

Essay by   •  December 26, 2010  •  796 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,750 Views

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Jet Blue PR Campaign: Strategy Paper

The objectives of Jet Blues Public Relations campaign will be two fold. This campaign will try to limit the damage to JetBlue's image that was caused by the acts of one of its senior managers, acts that include bigotry, racism, and sexism. Now, what is wrong with being sexy? Nothing but there is no room for racism or sexism of any kind in any organization. And the consequences of such behavior, weather condoned or not, can be damaging and costly. The acts of one individual can swell in to a magnanimous pot of bad PR, heating and stewing, boiling away corporate profits as the public protests and boycotts. JetBlue has established the following three objectives regarding Blues public relations campaign.

First, JetBlue must play damage control: JetBlue must do everything in its power to limit and control the damage caused by the racist acts of their senior manager. The manner in which JetBlue will do this will be later in the paper. Second, JetBlue must institute new organizational policies. These policies will help accomplish the third objective, rebuild the image of Jet Blue. In order for the stated objectives to be successful, JetBlue must first identify the organization's publics.

In order to reach the organizational publics and to achieve JetBlues PR objectives, this public relations campaign has outlined the following tactical plan. The first part of the plan will be to have a spokesperson. JetBlue will have a black face that communicates to its publics, both internally and externally. The spokesperson will be used in several ways.

First, a press conference will be held. At this press conference, the spokesperson will admit fault and take full responsibility for the actions of the one that committed the acts of racism. Furthermore, the spokesperson will announce the disciplinary action that was taken by JetBlue towards the individual. During the press conference the spokesperson will denounce the actions of racism, denounce racism and elaborate in an eloquent manner that JetBlue will not tolerate racism. The second part of the press conference will discuss the diverse policies that are already in place at JetBlue. And the last part of the conference will detail a plan that initiates further measures to promote and build a house of diversity between the walls of JetBlue. Blue believes these first two tactical steps to be the most important in launching a successful PR campaign that is both preventative and rebuilding. Once these actions have been taken, further steps are needed.

With the press conference JetBlue will hopefully gained more recognition in the community to seek out sponsorship. The sponsorship will help JetBlue decrease the acceptability of issues that arise in their company such as bigotry, racism, and sexism. JetBlue's sponsor will be an organization that promotes good morals and ethics. The sponsorship effort will increase existing relationships and help to expand it's



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