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Knowledge Management

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Edwin L. Domingo

PC Magazine Website

ITM301: Principles of Information Systems in Business and Organization

Dr. Indira Guzman

July 19, 2010


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the main points of interest of the webpage Its basic structure draws in consumers and relays information through a user-friendly presentation. The site offers an organized interface and allows users to become involved in this online magazine by allowing the user to leave comments, rate topics, buy materials, etc. The various links lead to relevant and specific talk under certain topics. Through whatever is of interest, the website allows both novice and advanced users to utilize everything in an easy fashion.

Assessment of PC Magazine Website

To begin with, the overlay of the website is entirely for the use of the consumer. News, popular talk, ratings and equipment pertaining to recent technology all integrates itself among the organized tabs available on the website. If you are looking for updates on the most recent hot topic, the option is there on three tabs: recent, reviews, and popular. If you are looking for more specific chat or information, just highlight one of the top tabs and select from the drop menu. Everything is in simple grasp and can be easily navigated with the top menu bar along with the search box option. The main idea behind the entirety of this structure is to basically lead the user to a place of interest as fast and as simple as possible. Even for people who are just browsing the webpage, they will find it to be an easy process. Simplicity and informative are two things that do not elude from PC magazine.

The overall feel of the website seems very user-friendly to even the novice users of computer usage. The basic point-and-click skill is all that is needed, and for advanced users who wish to seek more specific detail, there are drop menus and an easy to find search box to look up anything of interest. The website is straight to the point and does not lead you to unnecessary websites when you click on a link.

The most useful thing about this website is the bolded headlines. They generalize information into categories and separate all the topics neatly and orderly. One example would be the "The Latest" headline right underneath the "Top Stories" headline. Recent information regarding any information of up-to-date technology can be found here such as talk about the famous iphone or popular social networks such as Myspace or Facebook. Another great example of the bolded headlines is "Product Spotlight" underneath "Popular Topics." Here, information regarding computers and accessories can be found. Prices, comments, descriptions, and even ratings are all found here to help the user decide what is of best interest. Simply browse the webpage, look for a specific headline and find a topic of interest, as easy as 1-2-3.

A link involving iphones included information about a correlation between the smart phones reception and the way a user holds the phone. According to chief executive Steve jobs, "...a tight grip on apple's



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