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La Rubia

Essay by   •  April 4, 2011  •  2,415 Words (10 Pages)  •  1,109 Views

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La Rubia

Deep into the swamp bayou of houma, louisianna is a tale of a little girl who finds out who she really is and the truth behind her dark past. Theres only one way in and one way out for ruby. When she soon finds out that she has fallen in love with her half-brother the secret becomes more twisted with details that only her grandmother knows, but won\'t let out.

In the bayou at a young age, madame ruby, takes up painting to ease her mind. her grandmother sees the talent she posses and urges her to become one of the greatest. After a while of torment, frustration, and triumph, ruby finally

finds her destiny.

Deep in the swampy woods of Houma Louisianna one night, I find myself lying awake listening to the swamp creatures and gazing at the shodows in the moonlit night. I was anxious that this weekend was supposed to be a big weekend for tourist. Grandmere and I were setting up the road-side sale in the morning. As I lay tossing and turning in the bed the phone rang in an erie ring. I can hear Grandmere in the kitchen mummbling something, then she soon comes upstairs to awake me. \"Ruby, Ruby, get up honey, we have to go to Louise\'s house. She\'s about to have the baby.\" So I calmly got out of bed putting my slippers and night coat on. \"I\'m coming Grandmere\" I said, from atop the stairs. I went to my stick like dresser to pull out my charm bracelet that Grandmere had given me last Christmas, and fastened it around my wrist. I quickly ran downstairs and saw Grandmere waiting by the door. I noticed she was carrying some sort of black bag and a flashlight. She grabbed my hand and we took off out the door, slamming the front door behind us; stumbling down the steps. It was so dark that night I could barely see my hand in front of my face. Grandmere knew exactly where to go. She had lived there all her life and could get anywhere at night even without a flashlight. My Grandmere was a very mystical lady, yet everyone believed in her powers and remedies. Grandmere has been called on more than one occasion for a birth. \"Come on Ruby, you\'re walking to slow\" she said about two steps in front of me as I walked through the swampy trees. I could feel the spanish moss lightly glazzing the top of my head as I walked by.

I thought we had walked forever and I finally saw some dim lights in a distance. I couldn\'t really make out that it was a house because it was so run down. The front porch light was on and I heard someone inside screaming. Grandmere quickly went in to find Loise on the floor. Grandmere told me to get some towels and a basin of cool water. I scrambled to get the items she had requested and the whole time Loise, which is actually one of my Grampere\'s friends, just screaming like she was in some type of horrible pain. When I came back into the room with the items, I noticed that Grandmere had pulled out a sachet and emerged a little vile. Then I heard her mumble a chant and sprinkle some of that substance on Loise\'s forehead. The baby finally started coming and Grandmere helped her through it. All the screaming Loise was doing, I thought she was going to die.

After Gradmere finished chanting she told me to stay inside while she went out and blessed the property. Loise\'s baby was crying in her arms and Loise was crying being overwhelmed with joy at the same time. I took Loise\'s hand in mine, trying to comfort her the best that I could even though I knew I wasn\'t. About fifteen minutes passed and Grandmere was still not in here, I was beginning to get worried. Loise turned her head towards me and said, \"You know your Grandmere knows her gift. There is no way I could ever thank her enough for this.\" I just stood there looking up at her eyes. Grandmere finally stepped in the doorway of the front door, stopping to sprinkle some salt. \"There, no evil spirits will harm your child.\" Grandmere said. \"Thank you, thank you for being here for me. I don\'t know how I could ever thank you enough.\" Loise said in a humble voice. Loise and her husband just went through a divorce four months prior to her giving birth.

Grandmere continued making her rituals inside the house, chanting at each corner she came to. It was starting to get foggy and damp out and Grandmere got finished up. \"Loise, I have blessed the inside of this house with holy water, everything should be fine and I have checked out the baby and she seems to be healthy. Time for Ruby and I to be on our way, we have a big day tomorrow

at the sale. If you need anything, please don\'t hesitate to call.\" Grandma said in a reassuring tone. \"I will do. I knew I could count on you. I am going to try to get some rest now.\" she said.

I followed Grandmere out of the house where the fog was really starting to set in. I was getting scared. \"Come on Ruby, we\'ve got to get back to bed, we only have a couple more hours of sleep, those New Orleanians come early!\" I clung close to Gradmere\'s side as she lead the way back to our run-down, delapatated shack by the swamp. It seemed to me like it took more time to get there than it did to get back home.

As we approached home, we noticed the front door was ajar. Grandmere reached her hand in her sachet and pulled out a handful of white powder, looked like baby powder, and through it in the air surrounding us. The dust cleared from around us and we were nearing the front steps. \"Ruby you stay close behind me, ya hear\" she said. \"Yes Grandmere\" I said with a cracking voice. Grandmere slowly opened the creaking door and stepped inside with me closely following her every footstep. She took a look around and noticed that a squirrel had gotten into the house. Evidently I didn\'t slam the door hard enough. Grandmere and I started putting things back in their

places just as where they should go. I told Grandmere that I was going on to bed. After all this tonight I was so tired. \"Ok Ruby, I\'ll be right up there to tuck you in.\"

As I went up the stairs, I looked back and saw Grandmere just starring up at the cracked cieling. I knew that she was thinking about our financial situation that we were in and I have tried and tried to make her happier and assure her that things will get better. I traveled the rest of the way up the stairs and into my bedroom. As I do every night, I went into my top dresser drawer and pulled out a picture of my mother and pray that one day I will get to see her. I have never known her but Grandmere said that she was a fine woman. In the picture she has



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