Law, Legal Environment and Csr
Essay by Jasmine Chiu • April 14, 2018 • Course Note • 1,792 Words (8 Pages) • 864 Views
Why CSR, law and business ethics? How we got where we are today
• Managing risk
o Non-traditional risk
o Non-financial risk (may have financial impacts)
o What we know
o Know we don’t know
o Don’t know we don’t know
• CSR: voluntary efforts to be a socially, environmentally responsible company
• Law: system of rules enforced by penalties
• Ethics: moral principles that govern our behavior
• Case study: Fashion industry
o Risk: leads to financial loss, unpleasant or unwelcome, threat or source of danger
o Bangladesh: 2nd largest exporter of readymade garments
Cheap labors by law (US$68 per month)
o United colors of B & Rana Plaza: ethical principles
• Role of managers
o Consider more than increase shareholder value
Core characteristics of CSR
• “Business as the cause of problems”
o NGO: formed to deal of costs of bad business: eg. greenpeace
o Government & inter-government organizations eg. united nations
o After 1980s: business include developing solutions
• Capitalism & business: no fundamental contradiction between sustainable development and capitalism (Jonathon Porritt - forum for the future)
o Capitalism: wage labour, private ownership or control of the means of production, production for exchange and profit
• Sustainability: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (sustainable development, UN)
• Triple Bottom Line: Inter-relationships between our social, economic, and natural environments
o Society: impact on people
o Economy: business decisions, profit, customer demand, efficiency, costs
o Environment: planet
• Linear System
o Extraction Production Distribution Consumption Disposal
• Cradle to Cradle: nature intended (products = biological nutrients)
o Material health
o Material reutilization
o Renewable energy
o Water stewardship
o Social responsibility
• C&A: C2C T-shirts, support health of ecosystems and communities
• NGO vs Social Enterprise
o NGOs: rely on donations, grants, public funding
o SE: achieve specific social objectives, with principle to reinvest in the business for the social objectives rather than maximizing profits for distribution to its shareholders
products needed by the community
create employment and training opportunities for the socially disadvantaged
protecting the environment
funding its other social services through the profits earned
Guidance on CSR: Various CSR tools (what they mean, and how to use them)
• How do companies choose the social and or environmental issues on which they report
o compulsory vs voluntary
• International Finance Corporation (IFC)
o Private lending arm of World Bank
• International Standards Organization: IS0 26000
o Not certifiable guidance on social responsibility
• HKEx: environmental, social, governance reporting guide (mandatory for HK stock listed 16’)
• Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): gold standard for CSR reporting, choose what stakeholders are interested in
o External verification possible (accounting firms)
• SE business plan:
o Executive summary
o Mission, vision values
o Target market
o Industry and competitive analysis
o Sales and marketing
o Operations and HR
o Financials
o Impact
o Future plans and exit strategy
Stakeholders: What are they, and what role do they play
• CSR: company’s voluntary commitment: economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner + balancing the interests of diverse stakeholders
o Increasingly regulatory
o Correspond to triple bottom line
• Stakeholder: person, organization, social group, which has a stake in the business
o Internal or external
o Stake: vital interest in the business or its difficulties
o Affect or be affected
o Eg. McDonalds
o “what are their legitimate claims on the business?”
o “what rights do they have with respect to the company’s actions?”
• Big Picture: corporations have obligations that go beyond generating profits and include society and environment at large
• Soft law: not strictly binding in nature/completely lacking legal