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Essay by   •  November 18, 2010  •  465 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,254 Views

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1. The problems with this program are that there are too many children that needed care and not enough parents or adoptive parents available. If there were enough it would be parents that didn't meet the standard adoptive bracket- meaning there income was not enough to support a child or children. So these families would forge or lie about their family standings just to get more funding for their own benefits.

2. To me the problems are crucial. If the adoptive parents were not truthful when establishing the numbers with the social workers that would mean that the grants and aide that are being disbursed would be going to the wrong family. Not every family will get the same amount of aide. So if the parents are not truthful the money that might really be needed for one child might be going to a child that would not needed as much.

3. The number one duty for social workers are to make sure an in great detail find out what "child or children with their adoptive family" needs the most help or aide. I know that the social workers job is very demanding and great deal of hours are put into their jobs. So a lot of social workers due half of their jobs so they can go onto their next case. After all the most important issue are the "children" who needs "love" from good and caring adoptive parents.

4. I think the program is out of control. Just by reading the article you can find incidents where the adoptive parents were using governmental funds for their own private ventures. I mean there was that couple who were using the children's funds to buy things like boats, cars. Having these programs for children are great but we as a society and those who are working in positions where governmental funds are being distributed should take more time and with follow ups to how and to who these funds are being used.

5. As much as I want to blame the governmental agencies that work with children



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