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Legalization Of Marijuana

Essay by   •  March 20, 2011  •  989 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,280 Views

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Should marijuana be legalized? To some people it is a no, and to others it is a yes. My own personal view is no that it should not be legalized for various reasons. Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means there are currently no known medical uses for it, therefore, possession in any amount is deemed illegal and punishable by federal law.

Drug use causes serious problems in our society today. Legalizing marijuana would make everything worse. When people use marijuana, it can eventually lead them to try other more dangerous drugs like cocaine and heroin. Although many people think that marijuana is not addictive, research shows that it is habit forming. One may think that this would not really be a problem, but in many cases it can be viewed in the same way. This is where the so-called term "Pot-Head" comes into play. What is a "Pot-Head?" I would think that term refers to someone who has used marijuana so frequently, that even though its not "addictive," to the user, it has become such a habit that it has severely debilitated their normal every day cycle of life. This leads them on a major search in finding their next "smoke-up." The individual may also become psychologically rather than physically dependent

on the drug

Some people believe that smoking a joint is four times more carcinogenic than smoking a cigarette. This means that for every cigarette smoked it would equivalent to four joints smoked. The marijuana that is available today is far much more potent than the marijuana used to smoke in the 1960's and 1970's. The potency of the various forms today range from a weak drink in India to the extremely potent hashish, which consists of pure cannabis resin. Someone can use mild cannabis for years without physical or mental deterioration. More potent forms of cannabis such as hashish can induce psychedelic experiences like those observed after ingestion of potent hallucinogens such as LSD.

* Should marijuana be legalized?

If we legalize marijuana it reduces the black market, and all the violence connected with the sale of marijuana. The negatives are if we don't legalize marijuana more people will be using the drug and as an outcome become habit forming.

* Should marijuana be legalized only for those over the age of eighteen?

Some people say that those over the age of reason are adults and capable of making their own decisions concerning drug use. This also decreases the amount of younger children buying marijuana. The negatives are that some people at the age of eighteen are not able to make responsible decisions. Also health risks connected to the use of drugs is a factor despite how old you are.

* The government should legalize the use and sale of marijuana considering people are already using it.

The government could tax the sale of marijuana and use the money to lower the national debt we are in. By lifting the ban on marijuana we would reduce the amount spent on law enforcement efforts to apprehend and prosecute users and sellers of marijuana. .The negatives are that there will be a boost in people using the drug and therefore a need to increase treatment programs which will come at the cost of all the taxpayers and the government.

* Marijuana shouldn't be legalized due to the societal implications that go along with its use.

People who buy the drug on a daily basis are willing to spend their entire life savings on it. If marijuana happens to remain illegal fewer people will go into debt buying the drug,



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