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Legalizing The Sale Of Kindeys

Essay by   •  November 13, 2010  •  763 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,403 Views

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Legally regulating kidney sales

Through the course of history, governments all over the world have seen many clashing of ideas and beliefs within their own country. Controversy causing issues such as legalizing organ bartering is among the top of contrasting issues, next to abortion. In the underground organ dealing business, kidneys are frequently being dealt and exchanged.

In our society, the government should legalize such trade and commerce. Aside from religiously moral standpoints, legalization of kidney transplants is very controllable, safe, and advantageous for everyone who is involved. Gaining control and understanding over what is now been considered contraband, should be the goal of the government. Such acts of frequent of illegal kidney transplants, serve to show a need in the society, of which the government must conform. In order to control this issue one must analyze every aspect of the problem. Many believe that transplants such as these are saving lives and is becoming a part of normal life. Furthermore "I think it's unethical not to reward someone who saves a life in that way." comments Michael Friedlander. When the government fails to observe the back alley sales of kidneys from living human donors, this is when irregularities and medical issues occur. Laws only apply to legal activities in such cases "we have no control over standards [and] over payments" of these illegal surgeries. The health care of a nation as whole would become far better off with flexible laws and requirements. Often times when sick patients are dire for a quick fix illegal transplants and operations are their solutions. Leading to the corruption of doctor's practices and revoking licenses, to follow their own beliefs. This normally leads to worsening symptoms, death, and denial of their health insurance. In the eyes of person in need of an organ money is not an object for a purchasable organ, which quality and condition is not known. These types of changes would also better the economy the implementation of taxes and prices. With the control of kidney organs, newer and safer procedures can be created along with medical breakthroughs that allows for higher survival rates with more succession. Statically donors of one of their kidneys tend to live a healthier life as well as the recipients nearly doubling their life span. The legalization of living organ donors could possibly lead researchers to explore uncharted practices on the human race.

Many whom oppose this belief of donating kidneys for another article in return are frequently narrow-minded ones who do not accept change. The human body has two kidneys. One of which not being considered a "commodity" (Nancy Hughes) but perhaps a life saving organ to those in need. As opposed to people who must live on an artificial kidney. Artificial organs are popular



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