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List of Movies and Favorite Characters

Essay by   •  June 16, 2015  •  Book/Movie Report  •  1,392 Words (6 Pages)  •  3,967 Views

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List of Movies and Favorite Characters:

  1. The Pursuit of ‘Happyness’

My favorite character in this movie is Chris Gardner, the main character himself which was played by Will Smith. Chris Gardner is a single father who has no job and poor. The only work that he does for a living is to sell a bone density scanner which is quite difficult to be sold. The reason that I choose this character as my favorite character is that Chris Gardner has a unique characteristic that seems to be so inspirational for me as well as for the audience because he is a positive thinker, full of determination and always passionate in completing his task and pursuing his ambition.  He never let his own limitations get in the way of his goals even though he is poor, homeless, and not well educated. Despite being poor and of low education he still knew that he could one day be a successful stock broker, despite the industry being dominated by well educated and rich people. I also like the way he make his son understand the tough life that they had especially in a scene where they have to sleep inside a subway toilet. He made his son imagines that they both travel through time where the toilet is actually a cave and they have to get inside the cave and sleep there for the night so that dinosaurs cannot catch them. Overall, this movie inspires me to believe that there will always be a rainbow after the rain

  1. Cast Away

My favorite character in this movie is the main character himself known as Chuck Noland. Chuck is an obsessively punctual FedEx executive, which was played by Tom Hanks. He is en route to an assignment in Malaysia when his plane crashes over the Pacific Ocean during a storm and he is the sole survivor of the flight after being washed ashore on a deserted island. The thing that I like about this character is that he chooses to live and survive in that island for almost 4 years instead of giving up when his efforts to sail away and contact help failed. He chooses to live because of his love to his wife, Kelly. In fact, his determination to survive and never give up on life is the reason that I like this character very much. This can be seen in the movie where Chuck is so dedicated to get himself back to civilization by constructing rafts, learning to fish and making a fire. Chuck uses ices skates for knives, recording tape becomes rope, and a dress becomes a sturdy fishing net. On top of that, this character is also amusing especially when he created his own companion, a volleyball named Wilson. His unrelenting prowess earns him the raft that eventually releases him from the island.

  1. The Odd Life of Timothy Green

The story begins when a childless couple writes down all of their fantasies about the child they'll never have, and bury them in a box in the backyard. One magical rainstorm later, the child they dreamed up (Timothy) comes climbing up out of the dirt and he have this kind of weird leaves around his ankles. The character that I like most in this movie is Timothy himself. Timothy is a delightful child with a sweet personality that he actually wins over almost everyone that he met. Even though he is not all that his family thought he would be, Timothy tries the best out of him to make his parent proud and to take care of their heart. He knows that if every list of traits that his parent fantasizes about him having been granted, he will soon disappear from their life. This character also has a slightly funny yet innocent side especially when he tries to grant his parent’s wish to be a soccer player who will score the game, to be an artist who can draw, or having musical talent. He actually becomes the opposite of all that his parent ever imagined he would be. However, it is very sad at the end of this movie as timothy finally gone forever. To me, timothy is a merely a grace that god has bestowed upon to make his family and everyone that he knows happy. This movie also makes me realize that nothing will last forever and not everything comes out as we wish. In fact, things might turn out to be better than what we expected.

My Oral Presentation’s Strengths and Weaknesses


  1. I look calm and relaxed
  2. My PowerPoint slides is relevant to the topic
  3. The content of my presentation is quite informative
  4. I make eye contact with the audience
  5.  Good teamwork
  6. Properly attired


  1. Unattractive voice projection and intonation
  2. Unattractive posture and stance
  3. Less fluidity in my pronunciation
  4. Lack of body movement and gesture
  5. Less enthusiasm
  6. Low confident level in voice projection
  7. Incorrect pronunciation

Persuasion and Negotiation Case Study (Draft)

Who is my target audience?

  • Graduates

What is my idea of them?

  • Lack of experience
  • Curious about the employment sector’s expectation
  • Ready to show and test their ability, skill, and knowledge the world of employment
  • Curios about the employer expectation on them

Purpose of this speech:

  • To make them aware of the important of becoming a competent speaker of English

Introduction/ attention gainer/ strategies that will be used:

  • Question (rhetorical)
  • How many of you have a working experience in a professional employment sector?(e.g. internship)
  • How many of you have seen a job form that focused on English language proficiency as mandatory skills?

  • Surprising fact and statistic (fear-then-relief)

This is where the audiences which are the graduates need to be convinced that there is a problem if they are not competent in the language. The speech at this point should revolve around getting the audience to feel a need or want to have a proficiency in the language – and the things that they need to change.



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