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Essay by   •  January 8, 2011  •  745 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,395 Views

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Critical analysis “Shirking Work: The War on Hooky”

Please define the managerial issues and offer several managerial strategies to combat absenteeism

The article for “Shirking: the War on Hooky” explained the difficult decision that a managers have to face with they coworkers abuse of absenteeism at work. Also the article evaluate how it causing companies billions of dollars when employees are taking advantage of the sick day policy and it decrease the productivity of the company workforce. The keys questions we have to keep in mind is sick day is generated from absenteeism, also it is part of any new or old employee orientation benefit package when they start working for an employer? The paper will describe different approached manager can used to reduce absenteeism among they coworkers. In how Human Resource should work with the managers to put in place a strong sick policy that represent the company needed and objective.

Company Workforce Today:

Today work environment company are expecting very high demand from manager and workers that they over sea about job performance to keep than motivated to do they tasks. First the manager has to meet executive level manager’s goals and productivity to keep a companies success. The test book reading stated Organization is people working together to achieve a common goals, that goals also can evaluate the issues about the absenteeism in the workforce. Manager are govern by four functions to keep a business delay functions work first Planning setting performance, second Organization to process assigning tasks, third Leading to process a arousing environment by inspiring others, four controlling to process of measuring work performance.

Human Resource Policy for Absenteeism:

Company today doesn’t have a strong employee’s policy about the benefits and rules that are putting in place vacation, personal day, and sick day. To prevent absenteeism human resource have to researched in how important they human capital to they organization. They should separate the different department needed and how it effect productions when they is high absent from delay work. Usual company is not very clear about when to use your vacation and personal day. Also when to call out sick, what are the guideline?

From my personal experience working in human resource when doing orientation it doesn’t state whether the employee automatically earn those benefit or are they accrual in the monthly bases. Also one of my recommendations is put in place a probation period for three month before any new employee can call out sick. with that policy putting in place it reduce sick time. Because after that three employers can decided to keep this employees. After the three month probation period the new employee can start using they benefits



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