Managing Organizational Culture
Essay by Liow Wen • April 29, 2017 • Course Note • 2,644 Words (11 Pages) • 1,164 Views
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9.3 Communicating Organizational Culture
- Organizational culture usually tends to influence an orgz’s philosophy, style, & behavior
- Manager must
- Carefully consider the type of culture they want for their orgz & strive to foster it via communicating with every organizational member
- To use culture to an orgz’s advantage
- Managers must accomplish several tasks which depends on effective communication:-
- They must clearly understand the culture
- They must transmit that culture to others in the orgz
- They must sustain that culture by rewarding & promoting those who understand it & work towards maintaining it
Element of Organizational Culture
- Elements which are important to us
- They are:-
- Deep-seated
- Pervasive standards that influence almost every aspect of our lives
- Moral judgements
- Responses to others
- Commitments to personal & organizational goals
- Sharing of values
- Key in developing a successful organizational culture
- Now many orgz are developing value statements that clearly state key organizational values
- Orgz must do more than just state values
- They must ensure that organizational policies are consistent with the values
- Orgz can reinforce values by tying rewards to them
- Organizational socialization
- Describe how people learn organizational culture
- Represent / suggest something
- It might be a:-
- Natural object
- Manufactured object
- A setting / even a performer
- Narratives – usually based on facts
- There are repeated among employees
- Act as maps on how things are done & help to pass on a culture
- Organization role models
- Who embody the values an orgz wishes to reinforce
- Main characters of the stories
- Motivator
- Someone everyone counts on when things get tough
Rituals & ceremonies
- Outward sign of what an orgz values
- Provide a forum for the orgz to communicate strategic plan
- Rituals – serve as guides to behavior in daily organizational life
- Ceremonies – similar to rituals, but more elaborate & occur less frequently
- Historical accounts that describe the unique accomplishment of a group & its leaders
- Will feature the legendary accomplishment of the founders
- As such it is used to communicate the unique way of doing things to outsiders / newcomers
- Unproven beliefs that are accepted
- Used to justify current actions by communicating the practical benefits of certain techniques & behaviors
Functions of Organizational Culture
- Through shared norms & values
- Culture may enhance goodwill & mutual trust, encouraging cooperation
- Shared beliefs & values give organizational members a consistent set of basic assumptions & preferences
- This may lead to more efficient decision making
- Fewer disagreements on which premises should prevail
- Culture functions as an informal organizational control system
- Informally approving / prohibiting certain behavior patterns
- When everyone agrees on values, fewer managers are needed
- Culture reduces communication problems in at least 2 ways
- Communication on matters for which shared assumptions already exist is less needed
- These shared assumptions provide guidelines & cues to help with interpreting messages that are received
- Organizational members are committed to an orgz when they can identify with & are emotionally attached to it
- Strong cultures foster strong identification & attachment
- Organizational reality is socially constructed
- What an individual sees is conditioned by what others sharing the same experience say they are seeing
- Shares beliefs & values give organizational members shares interpretation of their experience
Justification of behavior
- Culture helps organizational members make senses of their behavior by providing justification for it
9.4.2 Organizational Culture & Environment
- To be effective, organizational culture has to align with the needs of the environment, both internally & externally
Adaptive & Inert Cultures
- Adaptive cultures
- Innovative cultures that encourage & reward initiative taken by middle & lower level managers
- Inert cultures
- Conservative cultures that caution & do not value middle & lower level managers who take such initiative / actions
Adaptive cultures
- Managers are able to introduce changes in organizational operations
- Including its strategy & structure
- To adapt to changes occurring in the external environment
- Three common value sets that are transmitted & maintained via strategic leadership:-
Adaptive organizations have values promoting a bias for actions
- Autonomy & entrepreneurship – employees are encouraged to take risks
Adaptive organizations stick with the nature of its mission
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