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Men Of Today Aremore Interested In Power And Pelf

Essay by   •  July 6, 2011  •  719 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,075 Views

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Dr Adeeb Rizvi, the director of one of the most famous urology institute, claims:

"At SIUT, we don’t let them die because they cannot afford to live."

Dr. Adeeb Rizvi and many others like him, provide their services, free of cost to those who have lost their hope of living just because they’re poor.

Honorable Judges, Respected teachers, and all my fellow students, I wish you all a very good morning.

My Dear Oppenets, have you ever wondered the efforts Mr. Edhi puts in running the Edhi Centre? Ever cared to notice the Edhi ambulance rushing to and fro the hospital? Even bothered to read about the service of Ansar Burney, who fights to bail out those prisoners from jail, who are not guilty of anything?

Just the other day,while travelling in a bus,I witnesssed a young boy leaving his seat in the bus for an ols man.

Getting down from the bus, I saw a guy helping an old lady carry her heavy bag of groceries.

And one day, right here on this busy M.A.Jinnah Road,on my way to school, I saw a young man help a blind old lady cross the busy street.

Had charachter really lost its face, would we be witnessing such scenes?

And yet, honorable judges, my worthy opponents claim that character has taken a backseat for man’s desire for power and pelf. my fellow participants I DISAGREE with you.

Had the men of Pakistan cared only for wealth, there would not have been many NGO’s working in the county.

Dr. Adeeb Rizvi вЂ" Abdul Sat tar Edhi вЂ" Ansar Burney вЂ" these are just examples of people who are well-known throughout the country. But there are countless others who are working free of charge, in different organizations all over Pakistan, without the media coverage.

In fact take any sector of life and you will find numerous examples of people who put humanity before wealth.

I know of a person in my neighbourhood who leaves milk and meat for sray cats outside his house every night.

We can give so many examples ourselves.Trouble is, we just don't notice these small acts of kindness, whick keep us going.

Take the hundreds of thousands of youngsters who enroll in the Pakistan Army every year, for instance. They sacrifice their life for the sake of their country, and fellow Pakistanis. The soldiers at the Saichen border who protect the country from the enemy. What do they get in return for their frozen arms and wounded legs? Why dear friends what do they get???Can money overcome the sorrow of losing a father, a brother, a son?

The young generation of today is blamed of having



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