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Social Studies Andrea Boyde-Langston

Chapter Two September 14, 2007


An economic philosophy advocating that countries should simultaneously encourage exports and discourage imports.

1776 (mercantilism) Adam Smith

1621 all Virginia tobacco was to be brought to England

1642 Members raised an army

1649 Chopped off Charles I head

England went 11 years w.o a king

in his place- Oliver cromwell (1649-1658)

Archbishop Laud

told to govern colonies by Charles I 1633

1640's English Civil War

Oliver Cromwell tried to persuade pl to move to the West Indies for sugar & tropical goods

Led to war with Dutch

1655 Only captured Jamaica

Navigation Acts (ensurance the mother country would benefit)

1.) Forbade all trade with colonies except in ships owned and constructed there or in England

2.) Forbade the transportation from the colonies to any place except England or another English colony ( sugar, cotton, indigo, dyewoods, ginger, and tobacco)

3.) Forbade the transportation of European and Asiatic goods to the colonies from any place except England

Act of 1705

placed bounties on their production and exportation to England

Wool Act 1699

forbad export from the colonies of certain textiles manufactured

Hat Act 1732

forbad export of colonial made hats

Iron Acts 1750

forbade the creation of anymore colonial iron mills

The Dutch

built the largest merchant fleet known

- controlled lumber trade from the Baltic

- fisherman dominated

Found New Netherlands

surrendered colony

Restoration of Colonies

Proprietors- large amount were friends of the king

hoped to grow rich from the sale of their lands and annual fees that they charged settlers

New colonies resembled Maryland

few came form England

Dutch and Swedes - new netherlands

more came from Scotland germany ireland and france

New York

Kiliaen Rensselaer


Dutch West India Company( governed with general director)

Peter Stuyvesant- surrendered colony to the English

the long islanders were not too keen of the english rule in their colonies

Dukes Law(1665)

over years they objected to paying taxes w.o representation

Charter of Liberties

stating the right of the inhabitants to all the traditional English political and civil liberties (trial by jury and representative government)

New Jersey

Richard Nicollis

made an offer to the Puritans for the right o govern themselves w. their own assembly in return they paid quitrents to James

- he had no real authority

Berkeley and Careret

wanted quitrents ad promised representative assembly to make laws

- had no authority to appoint governor or hold a representative assembly

divided province into two in 1674

- berkeley sold his land to a quaker

-1680 the other 1/2 was sold to another group of quakers

1702 united as a royal colony with a single representative assembly

The Carolinas

Sir John Colleton- barbados

hopeful immigrants

1640 sugar became dominate crop

increased number of imported black slaves

John Locke

drafted a constitution to balance aristocracy and democracy

Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina

based on ideas of James Harrington

Harrington believed

structure of a gov should match the distribution of property with ordinary settlers

Huguenos= French Puritans


South Carolina succeeded despite

hurricanes indian attacks and internal quarrels

1719 rebellion in Charles town overthrew proprietary governor

proprietors surrendered charter 1729

Royal gov provided for North and south carolina

William Penns holy experiment

James Nyler( jesus guy)



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