Mgmt405 Microeconomics Study Sheet
Essay by zerovoltage • May 19, 2019 • Study Guide • 458 Words (2 Pages) • 896 Views
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Also, Allowance for Inv breakage/shrinkage (contra asset), Warranty Liability, Returns Liability/Allowance
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LIFO: Higher COGS, Lower ending Inv [pic 16]
Cost of goods available [Beg Inventory+Purchases] = COGS + Ending Inventory [goods not sold]
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Land/Const-in-progress do not depreciate
Recoverability test 🡪 Undiscounted future cash flows (until useful life) ≥ book value (IFRS uses fair value ≥ Book value)
Improvements increase book value (CFI), maintenance is an expense (CFO)
Goodwill = Acquired Liabilities – Acquired ID’able assets + acquisition price
[pic 21]
Premium Bond: Proceeds > FV, Coupon > Eff Rate, Coupon > Interest Expense, Coupon payment reduces NBV of B/P
Discount Bond: Proceeds < FV, Coupon < Eff Rate, Coupon < Interest Expense, NBV of B/P increases after paying coup.
[pic 22]
NBV B/P = PV of future payments, discounted 🡪 [pic 23]
Interest paid = coupon payment[pic 24]
Gain/Loss = Proceeds – NBV
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Shares Auth’d = Shares issued + not issued; Shares outstanding (held by shareholders) = Shares issued – Treasury Stock[pic 29]
Gain or loss on share reissuance not recognized on I/S
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(Earnings Yield)
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(Dupont Analysis) Market-to-book Ratio [pic 35][pic 36]
Common-size I/S 🡪 Divide all by net revenue
Common-size B/S 🡪 Divide all by total assets
Valuation multiples 🡪 Market cap/Revenue
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Revenue recognition – Revenue must be earned/delivered/rendered and must be realized/realizable/converted to cash
CFO: Interest and dividend inflow, Interest payment outflow, income taxes outflow
CFI: Dividend outlflow
Ways to increase earnings – hold qtr open, recognize expenses or not, classification shifting
Why? – getting ready for IPO, smoothing growth
Returns reduce revenue, Warranty Liab 🡪 COGS, AFDA reduces A/R
AFDA Beg – Writeoffs + Bad Debt Expense = AFDA Ending