Mgt 812 - Hotel Galvez’s Manager
Essay by croque • September 12, 2018 • Research Paper • 2,282 Words (10 Pages) • 706 Views
Project Assignment
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Project Assignment
In the interview with the Hotel Galvez’s manager, the interviewee issued several responses that attracted my attention. When I asked the manager about his duties, he mentioned tasks such as responding to consumers’ complaints, resolving conflicts among employees, monitoring the hotel for cleanliness and appearance, and assigning duties to workers. The manager also claimed that the most challenging part of this job is designing services that meet expectations of consumers/clients. On the other side, he claimed that the rewarding part of his job is when the hotel meets the needs of clients. In addition, the manager stated that the hotel always attracts many consumers relative to its location. The hotel is located next to a seawall. The interview also focused on the aspect of mechanisms to be employed in tuning to clients’ needs. In relation to this, the manager claimed that the hotel often employs mechanisms such as conducting surveys on consumers and employees in establishing the requirements of clients, and training employees on efficient mechanisms of services delivery.
Evaluating the responses of the hotel manager can help determine whether he understands his job or not. In organizations, managers are always in charge of controlling and coordinating activities to ensure that such operations/activities are in line with the goals of their firms. In relation to this, Hotel Galvez’s manager claimed that some of his duties involve coordination of various activities and employees’ operations within the hotel, and resolving conflicts among workers. Managing of employees acts involves the resolution of conflicts among them. Besides, such an undertaking contributes significantly to the regulation of the activities of the firm. Employees forms a significant part of the firm’s production process. The presence of conflicts among workers can be detrimental to the organization’s performance, which in turn can result into the lack of accomplishment of the firm’s goals. Therefore, solving disputes among employees is significant in ensuring that employees work towards a common goal, which in turn enhances the realization of the organization’s goals. In relation to this, I believe that the hotel manage comprehends his role.
The respondent claimed that his duty involves the coordination of the hotel’s activities alongside coordinating operations of various employees. This undertaking is significant in ensuring that services are delivered in an efficient and effective manner as tasks. In a hotel, efficient service delivery can be realized when there is an effective coordination of activities from the kitchen department to service department. The hotel manager ensures that this goal is accomplished in Hotel Galvez, thereby demonstrating that he comprehends his role. Besides, the coordination of activities in organizations is often the responsibility of managers.
In relation to aspects challenging and rewarding part of the job, the manager’s arguments indicated that he comprehends his work. As a manger, the respondent demonstrated that he prioritizes his clients. The manager’s goal is achieving consumer satisfaction. In his response, the manager claimed that the most challenging part of his duty is meeting consumers’ needs. Moreover, he added that the most satisfying part of his job is when the hotel manages to meet the needs of customers. This response reveals the manager’s high esteem for the hotel’s clients. Consumers are a significant part of the organization’s success as they are the principle source of revenues. By prioritizing the needs of consumers, the hotel manager understands his duty/task.
I learnt several things from the interview. First, I learnt that understanding one’s duty is a significant step towards ensuring the success of a leader. Hotel Galvez’s manage have a deep understanding of his duties. As a manager, he comprehends that he should be in charge of regulating and controlling activities in the organization. This knowledge has contributed significantly to the success of the manager.
I also learnt that some managers often perceive the aspect of attending to clients’ needs as a difficult task. When the hotel manager was asked about the challenging part of his task, he pointed out the issue of meeting the needs of consumers. As such, it can be noted that managers often face problems meeting their clients’ expectations. In addition, I learnt that satisfying the needs of clients often brings full satisfaction to managers. The hotel manager’s response supported this claim. He stated that the most fulfilling aspect of his job is when the hotel manages to meet the needs of buyers.
After conducting the interview, I learnt that some organizations face problems employing the GAP analysis in identifying the needs of their consumers. For instance, Hotel Galvez employs an incomplete GAP analysis in determining the needs of buyers. The hotel manager responded that the company often conducts surveys on consumers and employees in order to determine the clients’ needs. In this method, only two aspects of GAP analysis are involved, and these are consumers’ view and employees’ view. As such, the management’s view is excluded from the firm’s approach to GAP analysis.
In relation to the aspect of communication, the respondent rates 4(good) as he has the ability to coordinate the various functions of the hotel. The respondent rates 4 (good) in terms of personal habits as he gave me a cordial welcome, and responded to my questions in a responsible manner. The manager rates 3 (average) in terms of creative ability, as he has not managed to develop a suitable approach (complete GAP) that the firm can employ in determining the needs of consumers in an effective manner. In terms of job performance, the respondent rates 4 (good) as he has understand his job, and he has managed to execute his roles such as coordination and regulation of the organization’s activities. He has also managed to address consumer complaints and conflicts among employees. The rating scale is shown in the appendix.
The Organization should employ a complete GAP analysis in determining the needs of its clients. Currently, the approach that the organization uses in investigating its clients’ needs does not take into consideration the management’s view concerning buyers’ needs. The firm’s approach covers only two aspects, which are employees’ views and consumers’ view. As such, the company’s management should ensure that it incorporates the perspective of the management in the determination of the needs of consumers. Besides, the company should enhance its approach to gap identification by focusing on elements such as listening gap, service performance gap, service design gap and communication gap (Gremler, Bitner & Bitner, 2012). This approach is comprehensive, and will help the organization address other aspects of that influences its success.