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Essay by   •  May 17, 2011  •  904 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,041 Views

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He obviously considers himself more intelligent than anyone else in the room, and he approaches the case with cool heartless logic but he does not take into account the feelings, the passions, and the characters of the people involved in the case. No.4 played the role of the coldly, analytical "information giver." He ticks off the facts in the case as if he were reading closing stock prices from the newspaper. His studious and ever stern glare cuts down those who disagree with his. Juror #5 is a man under great emotional stress. He comes from the same social background as the accused boy - with whom he almost unwillingly seems to identify with. Paradoxically this appears one of the main reasons for him voting guilty - he does not want compassion to influence him - so ironically it does. Reacting strongly and defensive, No. 5 represented the "emotional." Juror #6 is a simple man, quite readily admitting that everyone in the room is better qualified than he is to make decisions and offer explanations. But he really wants to see justice done and it worries him that he might make a mistake. Agreeing with everyone and talking even less, No. 6's role is the "silent" and "conformist." Juror #7 is the only one who really has no opinion on the case - he talks of baseball. Of the heat, of fixing the fan but the only reason he has for voting this way or that is to speed things up a bit so he might be out of the jury room as soon as possible. Not an evil man he just has no sense of morality whatsoever - he can tell right from wrong but does not seem to think its worth the bother. Failing to take the group seriously, No. 7 falls into the "playboy" and "bored one" roles. Juror #8 is a caring man who has put more thought into the case than any of the other jurors. He tries to do his best in the face of seemingly impossible odds. Both confident and nervous, as well as being under intense and hostile scrutiny, No. 8 states that he couldn't vote in that way for one simple reason; there is reasonable doubt in his mind. No. 8 acts as "model person" and "nonconformist." Juror #9 is a wise old man. With his great life experience he has quite a unique away of looking at the case.

After ridicule and scorn by his fellow jurors, Juror No. 8 suggests a startling compromise. He will abstain from the second ballot and if they all vote guilty, so will he. But if he has gathered any support for the defendant, then the rest of the jurors have to agree to stay awhile and discuss the case with him. It is Juror No. 9 who has risen to stand by No. 8, giving support in a time of need. No. 8 chooses not to go with the norm and plays the "nonconformist" who also comes up with original ideas throughout the movie. Juror #10 is the most horrifying character in the film. He votes guilty and does not even try to hide the fact hat he does so only because of the boy's social background. The tragedy comes from the fact that his own social position is only a cut above the boy's - which makes him all the



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