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Nature Of Logic And Perception

Essay by   •  November 8, 2010  •  856 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,489 Views

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People make decisions everyday, both consciously and subconsciously, based on knowledge, experience, feelings, and emotions. A decision are not necessarily the product of thinking but is influenced by ones' own perceptions. What is perception? The Encyclopedia Britannica defines perception as "the process whereby sensory stimulation is translated into organized experience." Because perceptions fundamental basis is from sensory stimulation, it includes one's own emotions, judgments', and feelings, which can add or subtract information from what is truly present.

Based on the definition of perception, there is a complete process takes place before we can perceive something, which this author defines the process as how we react to our environment. How one reacts to a given stimuli is part from training, part from how one was raised, and part from previous experiences. Just like a computer, our brain takes input, processes and interprets the data, organizes the data, stores the data, compares it to previous entries or recognizes similar data and finally gives output. However, unlike a computer some of the input stimuli are emotions, which will either complete missing information or block specific information from the whole process. A simple way to explain this is to look at a pixilated image of a familiar person. Although the image is truly not coherent, our mind connects the dots to show us a picture of someone we know. As Kirby and Goodpaster described, we tend to think of the world as what we expect to see not as what is actually be there. How do perceptions limit ones ability to critical think? Because of our enculturation, we have pre-conceived biased views on people, places, and objects. Furthermore, emotional responses like anger, passion, and depression can block or taint rational thinking.

What are some ways in which we can enhance our critical thinking? By avoiding, controlling, or averting the emotions that can adversely affect the process of critical thinking. As stated in Critical Thinking (1999), by recognizing our enculturation we lessen its effects and allow for a more open-mindedness. In a sense when one is aware of his or her shortcomings, they can accommodate and compensate for them. Some ways to avoid the emotional blocks like anger would "First, do not vent your anger:" (Critical Thinking) which for anyone who has children this is a difficult thing to teach. However, the same thing that works for children can still work for adults, which is taking a deep breath and counting to 10. Just the act of removing oneself from the situation lessens the anger and allows for reasonable thinking to return.

One example of acting on a perception and incomplete information, where emotional blocks prevented critical thinking would be an event in high school with my girlfriend. The simple facts were that my girlfriend had started to expand into other groups and activities that I was not a part of. As time went by, rumors started getting back to me about how she was seen talking continuously with a specific



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