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Essay by   •  April 18, 2016  •  Research Paper  •  1,076 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,083 Views

Essay Preview: Nurse

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Specific Purpose Statement:

At the end of my speech, the audience will be able to identify three different types of nursing.

Central idea:

Three types of nurses are Critical Care Nurse, Research Nurse, and Forensic Nurse.


Statement of Impact to Get Audience’s Attention:

Since October 12, 2009, the New York Times has reported that the demand for nurses have grown 25% more than the previous years. It is also projected to grow another 29% by the year 2017.

Introduce the Topic to the Audience:

In order for someone to be a good nurse, they must show compassion, empathy, and be caring.

Connect with the Audience/Give the Audience Reason to Listen:

The healthcare team would not be the same without nurses. Nurses play a major role in the wellbeing of clients.

Establish Personal Credibility about Topic:

I have been working at Devereux for a while now, and I always admire the way the nurses interact with the clients. I have also visited the hospital a number of times and seen the importance of nurses on the healthcare team.

Preview Main Ideas of Speech:

Today, I am going to tell you about three types of nurses. A Critical Care Nurse, Research Nurse and a Forensic Nurse. A Critical Care nurse is one that cares for patients and families who are experiencing actual or potential life threatening illness, a Research Nurse is a special type of nurse that deals with researches, and a Forensic Nurses help investigate crimes such as sexual and physical assault, and accidental death.


  1. According to Åsa Engström, who is an associate professor at the Lulea University of Technology a Critical Care Nurse is a nurse that cares for patients and their families who are experiencing actual or potential life threatening illness.

  1. Critical Care Nurses may be assigned to work on different units in a hospital.

  1. The Cardiac Care unit specializes in the care of patients with heart attacks, unstable angina, and cardiac dysrhythmia and other cardiac conditions that require continuous monitoring and treatment.
  2. The Intensive Care unit (ICU) is a specialized hospital ward which provides intensive care, that is, treatment and monitoring, for people in a critically ill or unstable condition.
  1. Critical Care Nurses require a specific educational training.
  1. To become a Critical Care Nurse, one needs a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing degree and a minimum of two years’ experience in the nursing field.
  2. The average pay for a Critical Care Nurse is $80,000 annually.


Signpost/Transition: On the other hand we have the Research Nurse.

  1. According to Jenny Carryer, who is a Professor of Nursing following a 10 year period in a Clinical Chair of Nursing, a Research Nurse, is a special type of nurse that deals with researches both clinical and basic research. Research nurses typically have a master's or doctoral degree in nursing, with some nursing schools specifically offering research nursing as a specialty, along with years of experiencing in the nursing community.

  1. Research Nurses may be assigned to work on different units in a hospital.
  1. Research Nurses perform clinical and basic research to establish a scientific basis for the care of individuals across their life span. A basic research is often purely theoretical with the intent of increasing our understanding of certain phenomena or behavior but does not seek to solve or treat these problems. While a Clinical research is a branch of healthcare science that determines the safety and effectiveness of medications, devices, diagnostic products and treatment regimens intended for human use
  2. Research Nurses focus on the management of patients during illness and recovery, the reduction of risks for disease and disability, the promotion of healthy lifestyles, promoting quality of life in those with chronic illness, and care for individuals at the end of life.
  1. Research Nurses require a specific educational training.
  1. At a minimum, a research nurse is a registered nurse (RN) with at least a year of experience as a nurse.
  2. The average pay for a Research Nurse is $135,000 annually.

Signpost/Transition: Finally, we will talk about our third and final type of nurse.

  1. According to Canadian Nurse Association a forensic Nurse deals with cases such as, crime scene issues and also victims of rape.
  1. Forensic Nurses have special types of jobs. They are also more detail oriented than most other nurses.
  1.  Forensic Nurses provide medical care for victims of crime, collect evidence after crimes occur, and provide medical care to patients within the prison system. Their jobs are very detailed. They help investigate crimes such as sexual and physical assault, and accidental death.
  2. Forensic Nurses are trained in medical evidence collection and the criminal justice system. Their jobs are detail-oriented, with most of their time spent in hospital emergency rooms. They help to interpret the first signs of foul play. Forensic Nurses also testify in court as an expert medical witness.
  1. 1.  To become a Forensic Nurse, one must obtain a Bachelor’s of Science in          Nursing degree.

2. The average salary for a forensic nurse is $81,800 annually.


Signal End of the Speech:

We have come to the end of this speech.

Re-sate and Summarize Main Points:

A Critical Care nurse is one that cares for patients and families who are experiencing actual or potential life threatening illness, a Research Nurse is a special type of nurse that deals with researches both clinical and , and a Forensic Nurses help investigate crimes such as sexual and physical assault, and accidental death. Each type of nurse has specific responsibilities on the healthcare team. They also earn different salaries. Salaries may vary depending on the state they practice in.



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