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othello was a tradgic play. it shows many different types of feeling inWithout Trust, Love Cannot Prevail

Trust can be defined as assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something (Webster's 1246). In life many people are faced with the decision on who or who not to trust, especially in the realm of love. Trust is one of the main factors needed to determine a healthy, loving relationship. In William Shakespeare's Othello, the main character Othello is unable to trust his new bride Desdemona. In act one, scene three, Desdem the all the actsOthello, the central character of William Shakespeare's play is an excellent leader but a poor reasoner and foolish lover. The tragedy of `Othello' is largely due to Othello's personality and life experience. Othello believes himself to be loved and respected by everyone around him as most people refer to him as the "noble General Othello". Othello, after realizing his tragic mistake of murdering his innocent wife, Desdemona, claims he "loved not wisely, but too well", this is an honest reflection of himself as his love was true and pure but also foolish. His lack of wisdom is because of his little experience in personal relationship and his role as a noble solider. Othello did love too well and it is shown right through the play as he displays his love for Desdemona but also his ignorant trust and love for Iago, his Ancient. Only knowing a soldiers life, Othello was unwise in relationships and love.

However strong the emotional attitude of prejudices may be in Othello, Love is the most powerful emotion and ironically the emotion that leads to the most vulnerability. Loves of all kinds are tested in the tragedy and ultimately all fail to rectify the horrible situation. Marital love for Othello and Desdemona serve as both a heaven and a hell on earth. As Othello portrays by saying,

If I were now to die

'Twere now to be most happy; for I fear

My soul hath her content so absolute

That not another comfort like unto

Succeeds in unknown fate. (act 2.1 188-191)

Such statement gives mixed messages suggesting happiness yet weariness about the future. Susan Snyder has cited the same irony in Othello's statement "... Othello celebrate his peak of joy, yet so markedly his invocations of death and fear make us apprehensive" ("Beyond the Comedy" Critical interpretations 24). Emilia's love for her husband, Iago, leaves her nothing but regret and deep despair. Emilia, out of love for her husband, Iago, betrays Desdemona and steals her precious handkerchief. Emili... In William Shakespeare's tragic drama Othello, love comes in many colors. Consider Othello's love of Iago; the ancient's so-called love for Emilia; Desdemona's spotless love for the general; Bianca's love for Michael Cassio; Brabantio's love for his daughter. This essay will explore the various types of love as portrayed in this tragedy.

Initially the play presents a very distorted type of love. Act 1 Scene 1 shows Roderigo, generous in his gifts to the ancient, questioning Iago's love for the former, whose concern has been the wooing of Desdemona. Roderigo construes Iago's love for him as based on the ancient's hatred for the Moor. Thus the wealthy suitor says accusingly, "Thou told'st me thou didst hold him in thy hate." And Iago responds, "Despise me, if I do not." Partly out of hatred for the general and partly out of proving his faithfulness to Roderigo's cause, Iago asserts in detail the reasons for his hatred of Othello, who has given the lieutenancy to Michael Cassio, a Florentine. Secondly, Iago suggests that Roderigo and he awake and... The love of the protagonist and his wife in William Shakespeare's trgedy Othello can not stand up against the repeated assaults of the sinister IagoThe simple and noble love of Othello and Desdemona is known to us all, but it must be noted that Desdemona, like Cordelia, loves both her father and her husband in reason. [. . .] That her love is the perfect love which philosophers found to blend the love of body and of mind is evident [. . .] That Othello's love too is a love that is noble and perfect is evident in his simple:

She lov'd me for the dangers I had pass'd,

And I lov'd her that she did pity them. (155)

Quite respected and famous is the love between these two. The love between Othello and Desdemona is a great venture of faith. He is free; she achieves her freedom, and at a great cost. Shakespeare, in creating the figure of her wronged father, who dies of grief at her revolt, sharpened and heightened, as everywhere, the story in the source. Her disobedience and deception of him perhaps cross her mind at Othello's ominous 'Think on thy sins.' If so, she puts the thought aside with 'They are loves I bear you.' . . . Othello is a drama of passion and runs to the time of passion; it is also a drama of love which, failing to sustain its height of noon, falls at once to night. (141)

The Bible says that 'all else is redundant without love', a most profound and relevant statement underlining the tragedy of Othello; in the absence of love, the Moor's fortunes plummet, so that he loses not only his respect and his posting but his life and that of his wife also. However, to truly understand the depth of this tragedy, it is essential to understand from where Othello, the protagonist, is coming before the arrival of his peripiteia, his falling out of love and into jealousy. It is therefore vital to understand the meaning of love in Othello, not only to fully portray Othello's fall from grace, but to understand many of the actions and views of the other characters in the play. It also enables the reader to understand what Shakespeare is trying to say about the world in general through his use of love.

There are in Othello, as in life, many different types of love, with some characters displaying different sorts of love depending on with whom they are sharing their love. Probably The Senate scene should be studied carefully in order to reach an adequate appreciation of the frankly declared love of these newly wedded people. Only by realizing the great depth of their love can one grasp the enormity of Iago's hideous crime against them. Some of the commentators tell us that it was a love



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