Essay by 24 • December 2, 2010 • 811 Words (4 Pages) • 1,650 Views
Procrastination is a term many people use on a daily basis. Procrastination is basically when it takes a person a long time to accomplish the simplest tasks. Most people consider procrastination a problem, yet we all do it. Could there be a reason for this phenomenon of wasting time, delaying the inevitable? Some people, such as myself, think about this question in a different way than most. It allows someone to brag about how extremely unproductive they were today, which can add a lot to a conversation after all the other topics of discussion have been used. I will provide a few specific examples to help anyone perfect the arts of wasting time and procrastination.
I don't think of myself as an especially clean person and my family members can probably attest to this. However, it is during those times when an English paper is due or a large test is coming up in the near future when these things change. Reserving this precious study time for doing the laundry, taking out the trash, doing the dishes, and even taking a shower are all great methods for procrastinating on something that should be done. I actually believe taking a shower before a study session will improve its effectiveness, but your results may vary. While cleaning up around the house is a wonderful time waster, there are other methods if this does not apply to you.
When one becomes immersed in a daydream, procrastination inherently follows. Fortunately, this can take place anywhere. To make the most out of daydreaming, it should be practiced often. Reserving this for long movies you may have already seen in school can be prime time, from my experiences. Usually thinking about something that happened that day, and then imagining an alternate ending is great if you need a topic. You could also begin brainstorming plans for that evening, tomorrow, or even for the next week. Daydreaming is virtually limitless in its application.
Often times a procrastinator thinks about people other than himself. Perhaps he must finish his Chemistry project, it is Saturday, and he has no plans for that day other than going to the grocery store. On the way home from the grocery store, the procrastinator spots an elderly lady struggling to get her car started. After spending about ten minutes walking towards her and arriving at his destination, he spends quality social time with this elderly woman. After many minutes have passed, they come to the conclusion that her car is out of gas. A firecracker pops in the procrastinators head, realizing this problem has a very time consuming solution. He thinks this is excellent, virtually engulfed into his mission to get gas for her; at the same time he is almost completely relieved of the stress associated with his Chemistry project.