Quality Mangemant of Apple
Essay by bob250294 • January 12, 2016 • Essay • 2,233 Words (9 Pages) • 3,043 Views
Table of Content
1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 Total Quality Management 3
2.2 Financial Benefits of TQM 4
2.3 Discussion 5
3.1 Background of Companies 6
3.2 QMP in Apple and Samsung 7
3.3 Financial Performances 9
4.0 References 10
1.0 Introduction
This assignment fully presents the right implementation of quality management, which leads to increasing of financial benefits, in worldwide technology providers, such as Apple Company and Samsung Corporation.
In this report implementation of quality management is demonstrated by improving quality of manufacturing process, customer services, delivery and distribution process. Also this report performs the main quality management practices which were used by the organizations in order to achieve the desired quality of custome
The comparison with the technology provider owned by Apple Company and Samsung Corporation, presents the differences of quality practices and the differences of financial figures which is the reason of implementing quality management.
2.0 Total Quality Management
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a complex and organized way for organizational management that aims to boost the quality of services and products through constant refinements in response to continuous comment. The definition of TQM might be different from one organization to another or may be abeyance to settled standards, such as International Organization for Standardization’s ISO 9000 series.
TQM can be implemented to every kind of organization, it started in manufacturing field and has been imported for use in approximately every kind of organization, including hotels management, accounting, sales and marketing, legal and administration, schools, highway maintenance.
TQM include 4 phases: plan, do, check and act. In the planning step, people identify problem; in the doing step, develop and progress solution; in the checking step, organization acknowledge the result through before and after comparison; in the acting step, in the acting step, organization archive about changes and development. Then they make further suggestions for the problem to be chosen to the next PDCA cycle.
2.2 Financial Benefits of TQM
• Cost Reduction. When enforced consistently over time, TQM can decrease cost through all organization, especially in areas of field service and warranty cost devaluation. Without any incurred additional cost, profitability can be increased.
• Customer Satisfaction. Company’s relationship with customer will be better and there should be less customer negative feedbacks, because company producing better products and services. Less negative feedbacks also can mean that resources dedicated to customer service can be decreased. High level of customer satisfaction can also help to increase market share, loyal customers act on the company’s side to attract more customers.
• Defect Reduction. TQM strongly focusing on increasing quality within a process, rather than inspecting quality into a process. This reduces the time required for fixing errors and make it less necessary to hire a team of quality certitude team.
• Morale. Success in TQM with participation of employee on it can positively effect on employee morale, which will reduce employee turnover, and therefore decrease cost of training and hiring new employees.
2.3 Discussion
In the pas many organization philosophy was creating good and profitable relations with customers. But modern philosophy is concerning customer view, satisfying and exceeding customer expectations; based on continuous improvement. This philosophy called Total Quality Management, which do thing right in a first time. The customer expectation is considering from the beginning till the end. TQM does not offer extra facilities to customer, but it let the quality of the service speak for itself. It is not stops when it reach’s high level quality; it focuses continuous improvement and overturning standards from the past.
TQM seems very expensive and profitless from first investment. One of the biggest disadvantage TQM requires large investment at the beginning, but fewer errors will be further. As the result of it, margins for error is highly reduced or removes. Company can avoid expenses on redoing second and third time their products and services. Producing one high quality product cheaper than redoing two or three time’s product, which is lower than required standards. Each customer has own standards and each organization should focus on increasing quality, because if one customer like it; it doesn’t mean that the others will like too. The customer will spread word positive or negative about their experience. It will affect you in a good manner, if you are doing things right in a first time.
Ford Motor Company implement total quality management practices in 1980.Ford Motor Company with partner ChemFil better quality products, a stable work environment for the employee, effective management and profitability. In this partnership they design process where they translate customer need to financial benefit. TQM was in front line and all employee was informed of all steps, which should be followed to create quality outcome.
3.1 Background of Companies
Apple Company was launched in 1976 as a computer company by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Nowadays Apple has expanded into a very intricate company which specializes in much more than just computers. In 2001 Apple created the IPod and became the dominant market leader in music players. As well, Apple joined the phone industry in 2007 with the IPhone, which has been widely successful. Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. One of the most main things about Apple is that it has a very strong customer base, through the design and development of its own operating system, hardware, and many software applications and technologies, and bringing