Reasons for Applying Fellow Program in Management
Essay by vamsik1012 • July 1, 2015 • Thesis • 1,361 Words (6 Pages) • 1,317 Views
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Reasons for applying Fellow program in Management
and honorable RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan is my role model.I come from a family wherein almost everyone was involved in teaching and research. Mygrandfatherwasa primary school teacher and taught firststandard studentsfor 40 years.Mypaternaland maternal grandmothers and my aunt are retired teachers. My mom was a lecturer and researcher, she has many research articles and books to her credit while my father still delivers guest lectures at NIBM and IIBF. Hence, I was led to believe thatresearch and teaching constitute my very DNA by virtue of my birth. I believe that my academic background in engineering and managementbackgroundat home prepared me to choose FPM program. Research fascinated me a lot since my childhooddays. Myfour yearsofengineeringeducationhave providedme witha strong grounding of theoretical aspects of technology. My management papers in Organizational Behavior, Industrial Engineering and OperationsResearch are newtome and wereinterestingand Ienjoyedapplyingquantitativeand conceptual skillsto analyze business and engineering issues. I was elected as the Zonal In charge of ASME, Andhra Division, and mentored students in both engineering and leadership domains. Academics and research keep people young forever as I have observed, my research guide at the university is 76 years old, always smiling and guiding me as my friend. I have a childlike curiosity which makes me a great researcher for sure and Ialso believe in the driving force pushing meto exploreand learnnewthings, soIloveresearch more and hence believe that FPM is perfect to me. What are the career plans after FPM? Post FPM, I wish to develop into anacademicianandresearcherata university, and also act as a consultant/expert in my research domain. Whenever I follow ranking of MBA institutions from India, I feel sad as we are missing top rankings because of the less number of researchers and lack of adequate research facilities. Hence I have taken a resolve to myself, astheopportunitiesaremorenow, encouragementfrom government is increasing on daily basis, to bea researcher throughmylife andto guideothers, once I complete my FPM in IIMA. I wish to contribute something significant to the world, I am ambitious and wish to challenge myself, and am ready to push myself to reach new heights in the area of research and academics, or score a difficult goal as a consultantina corporate and also to non profit community. How FPM Program will help the career growth Upon completing the program, I will joina universityor aconsultingfirmwhichranksas India’s best. I will apply all the lessons of management learnt to real life situations and transform my interest in research as a fascinating experience. I am a voracious reader and update myself about management thought process in the area of work I do as of now. I structure my processes, research and strategy from the perspective of my research program.
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I have highest belief and regards in the expertise of IIM, and the highly diverse nature of assignments they give, the systematic way they adapt, makes me to think rigorously and creatively and find practical yet innovative solutions to issues. I need a first hand understandingof thevariousfacetsof management, theinterlinkagesbetweendifferent functional areas and between different business entities. The program structure guarantees this outcome and I believe the extensive traininginresearchmethodology of FPM will provide me with a platform to undertake any kind of research with a more precise and systematic approach. The professors at IIM are known for their analytical and technical expertise, excellent teaching, throwing challenging assignments and excellent facilities is an add on. I trust, FPM will make me to complete my objective of research in management education after four years. My interest in playing Tabla, travel and reading books keep me maintain a complete understanding of life. I haveorganized and participated in number of extracurricular activities frommyschool daysandtrusttheFPMprogramgivesme an opportunity to leverage these skills as well. I also believe thateach of usshouldgivebackto thesociety.Ihaveworked on voluntary basis with Ashadeep Foundation in Mumbai, teaching underprivileged children for 4 years. Today, I contribute in protecting the environment in my college, KL University.
with the help of FPM program.
Chosen area of interest Being a witness to my father’s growth from an Officer to a Vice President of afinancial organization, I wasverymuchfascinated bythe versatilityof finance andeconomicsand how they constituted everything.AsIgrewup, thisfascination matured into recognizing the impact of economicsand finance on thesocietyatlarge. Mytrystwith “Engineering Management” in 4th year also helped me to see a new dimension in finance and encouraged me to choose the topic under finance. Of all the books I had to opportunity to read, itwasCKPrahlad’sbook -“Fortuneat the Bottom of the Pyramid” which influenced me the most. The book discussed new business models targeted at billions of poor people at the bottom of the pyramid providing goods and services. It made a case for fastest growing new markets and business opportunities lying among the poorest of the poor. According to Bill Gates, it “offers an intriguing blueprint for howto fightpovertywith profitability”.Thisparticular book motivated me to focus more on inclusive growth and wish to do research on “inclusive growth and Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana” (PMJDY) under interdisciplinary approach of economics and finance. The economy of India has been the second fastest growing in the world. Despite high growth rate, the fruits of this growth are not being evenly distributed. Availability of financial services at affordable costs became a challenge to vast sections of poorest of the poor. PMJDY should satisfy these three important needs, inculcating the habit of saving money. Providing formal credit facilities, identifying leakages in public subsidies and welfare programs. As there is no savings potential, the poor have