Recent Immigration Issues
Essay by bbglovs • December 4, 2017 • Essay • 427 Words (2 Pages) • 880 Views
Imagine booking yourself a flight back to the United States to return to your life and home. Then, at the airport you find out that you are no longer allowed to step on American soil, because you follow a recently targeted faith. Over 130 million people are in a similar if not exact situation, right now. The media and people throughout the world wide, have been stirring about this Executive Order that was issued by America's newest President, Donald J. Trump on Friday January 27. This indenture bars for 90 days all refugees and visa holders from seven countries from entering the United States, which include, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. It also bans all refugees for 120 days, and Syrian refugees indefinitely. Many including myself believe that this order is doing more damage than it is good. Now show of hands, how many of you know why this order has been issued? Well for those of you who don't know, this order is in place to accompany the phrase, “Make America Great Again.” by protecting America from “foreign terrorist entry” and protecting National Security. However, there is no proven security benefit, and in fact no American has been killed in the united states due to a terrorist attack by immigrants from the banned countries. If you thought that this ban would prevent terrorist attacks on the United States like Nine Eleven, San Bernardino, or the Orlando Pulse Shooting. It would not have prevented any of those attacks because the attackers were from countries not on the list, or they were American Citizens. For this reason, many Americans are questioning the true motives of the ban and beginning to distrust the government. Which resulted in the many protests throughout America and internationally like the London protest and marches in DC. lead into the change in foreign policies for American travelers. So although it seems as though only refugees and immigrants from the targeted countries are being affected, it’s affecting