Reinstating The Draft
Essay by 24 • November 12, 2010 • 1,149 Words (5 Pages) • 1,273 Views
In this paper I will write about giving a speech to two different groups of people. This first group will be The Student Government Association at Vaughn College in the student lounge. The second group will be The local veterans group which is held in a local "hall". I will speak to these two different groups about reinstating the draft.
The first group of people I will be talking to is The Student Government Association at Vaughn College. I would first address the audience by greeting them and stating my name. I would then ask a question like - Should we have a draft or not have a draft? In my opinion I think in the situation the United States is in now, there should not be a draft. I also think that such a group like students they would think the same because of the fact that they are the ones who will be drafted. Then I would explain that I am the same age as them and tell them that me personally I would not want to go to war unless it was for a really good reason. I will also tell them that this is coming from the same student point of view as the audience because I am a student as well. I will also explain to the audience I am in the middle of pursuing my future by going to school just like the rest of the audience. I would then tell the audience that I am not willing to put my future on pause for bad reasons. Also other then bad reasons there is a very strong chance that you can be injured or even killed. But I would also go on to tell the audience of students that if there was a good reason for this war I would put my future on pause to serve the country.
Since New York is a Democratic state as evidenced in past years. I would also assume that the audience I am speaking to is mainly against Bush and the Republicans in office. So when such a thing like reinstating the draft comes up students from New York especially will be strongly against this idea. I will then explain and tell the audience to please step up and make your opinion heard to the government because if nothing is said it will be assumed that this reinstating of the draft will not be a big deal. If you let them know then they will think twice about doing such a thing and if so many people are against the draft it will basically be impossible to get people to go to war.
Then towards the end of my speech I would urge the students to please spread the word to family and friends. Please tell them that this is a very serious topic and let them no the consequences there is if you are drafted or even if they are drafted. Then I would get back to my question Should we have a draft or not have a draft? I would strongly say NO!. Then I would go on to thank The Student Government Association and Vaughn College for having me speak to them that day.
The second group of people I will be speaking to is the local veterans group, which will be held at the local "hall". I would go into this speech knowing that this is a very sensitive crowd because these veterans have been to war before, so it can be totally different from talking to students. So once again I would start off with a question like - Should we have a draft or not have a draft? Now in this situation reactions might be very different compared to the first audience, who were students. For example if this audience were veterans from the Vietnam War I believe their perspective would be against the war because the majority of people were against the Vietnam War. But if I was talking to Veterans from World War II the majority of the people would be