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Relaxation Csr

Essay by   •  January 6, 2011  •  3,602 Words (15 Pages)  •  1,332 Views

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PBL report

Team C “Relaxation”

Alakulju Heli

Bertoglio Fabrizio

Block Tim

Nenonen Mika

Paljakka Elisa

VÐ"¤Ð"¤rÐ"¤lÐ"¤ Joni


After the PBL-Meeting where we approached the problem systematically and everybody was handed a packet of work to research on within the following week. The group identified five main topics which led our way to the main issues involved in this case. At this point some of the group members dropped out of the course what led to a higher workload and reallocation of work between the group members. Research on the given topic was problematic due to limited resources regarding the issue and itÐ'Ò's high unspecifity. When we felt like we were in a dead end and progress was not achieved we structurized the problem from scratch and gave an emphasis on the vedic principles as well as the commercial applicability of it. For the second time we divided the work between the attending group members and got a better understanding of the case at hand. In the final stage everybody contributed his share of work to a co-operative solution of the problem which can be found in the following document.

From the very first meeting onwards our group agreed on a co-operative approach towards teamwork which led to little room for different positions. Conflicts however were solved during discussions and individual work was accomplished without any problems. A thing helped us to work seamlessly together was the clear distribution of work so everybody had his own share and own area of expertise. This went along with responsibility of each member for his own work but ideas for improvements were delivered by the other group members.


Ulpukka is a nature health clinic situated in Rovaniemi. This micro-enterprise was founded in July 1993 and is run by a physical therapist and artist. Before starting her own company, UlpukkaÐ'Ò's owner had tested natural health treatments and she thought that they were very usefull. This woke her curiosity and she started to study zone therapy and after that many other alternative methods. Nowadays Ulpukka offers mainly therapeutical treatments based on both Rosen Method and Usui System of Reiki which are offered in individual sessions, and Vedic Art which is implemented in group sessions. Thanks to Rosen Method and Vedic Art she has found her inner artist. She paints many kinds of pastel and watercolour paintings which are also for sale. UlpukkaÐ'Ò's owner sees her work and the methods as a way of helping her customers to improve their consciousness, well-being and self-realisation. Overall she regards her entire business as a way of life.

At present UlpukkaÐ'Ò's main services are Rosen Method and Vedic Art. Private and public organizations are the most potential customer segments. People are more familiar with Rosen Method and it is easier to sell to customers. However, Vedic Art which is a natural method to develop personÐ'Ò's creativity and learns how to co-operate with the laws of nature, doesnÐ'Ò't say anything to customers. The main problem is that customers, for example human resources manager of an organization, find difficult to understand the idea of the service and the benefits it could provide to their employees. So our assignment is to solve

• how to inform and promote the benefits of this special service, Vedic Art, to potential customers?


Veda is Sanskrit for ”knowledge”. Sanskrit was the language of Vedic civilization. Vedic culture is based on Vedic scriptures called Vedas. Vedas are the most ancient literature works on Earth. They cover all fields of knowledge, material and spiritual. (Vedic knowledge online.)

Vedic philosophy evolved along with the creation of the universe with energy explosion вЂ" the “Big Bang” вЂ" which ultimately led to the formation of various elementary particles, nebulae, stars, planets, and galaxies. The complete knowledge was transmitted as waveform (chhanda) and spread out with the expanding universe. These were received by ancient sages through meditation and given to the mankind in the form of four Vedas namely вЂ" Rig-Veda, Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda and Atharva-Veda. Vedas contain the complete knowledge of and about the God, the Soul and the physical universe. (Sharma & Talwar 2005, 39.)

Vedic philosophy identifies four objectives to be sought in the human life. These are value system (Dharma), money (Artha), urges (Kama) and salvation (Moksha). These should be followed in such a way that value system should lead to achievement of money, money should lead to achievement of urges and finally urges leading to attainment of salvation. Thus values system is the first pillar in attainment of prosperity and happiness. The values from material to moral are approved by Vedas. (Sharma & Talwar 2005, 40.)

The principal role of money is to serve the needs of the society. There are three ways to

use the money вЂ" spending money on self, donation and commotion of money. The best

use of the money is donation for the welfare of others. Many Vedic hymns explain that whatever is given to the society, it returns several times. (Sharma & Talwar 2005, 40.)

In Vedic mythology, business has been seen as a legitimate, integral part of society. Its core function is to create wealth for society through manufacturing, domestic distribution, foreign trade, financing and other such related activities. It emphasizes to work for an economic structure based on “the well-being of all stakeholders”. Adopting an ethical approach and meeting the expectations of the community at large best serve the long-term interest of the organisation and its people. (Sharma & Talwar 2005, 40.)

Veda advocates minimum consumption and accumulation, mutual co-operation, with focus on natural harmony. It reiterates non-centrality



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