Essay by 24 • June 30, 2011 • 1,772 Words (8 Pages) • 1,501 Views
пЂÑ" Synopsis
he purpose of the preliminary investigation phase is threefold. First, it answers the question, “Is this project worth looking at?” To answer this question, this phase must define the scope of the project and the perceived problems, opportunities, and directives that triggered the project.
In this milestone you will prepare a Request for System Services, which is the trigger for the Preliminary Investigation Phase. Also, you will use fact-finding techniques to extract and analyze information from an interview to determine project scope, level of management commitment, and project feasibility for the Client Technology Tracking System. With these facts and facts obtained from the Case Background, you will have the necessary information to complete the Problem Statement Matrix and, if assigned, construct the Project Feasibility Assessment Report.
пЂÑ" Objectives
After completing this milestone, you should be able to:
пÑ"Ñ› Complete a Request for System Services form, which triggers the preliminary investigation phase.
пÑ"Ñ› Analyze a user interview and extract pertinent facts that can be used to assess project feasibility.
пÑ"Ñ› Complete a Problem Statement Matrix documenting the problems, opportunities, or directives of the project.
пÑ"Ñ› Prepare and understand the structure and content, of the Project Feasibility Assessment Report.
пЂÑ" Prerequisites
Before starting this milestone the following topics should be covered:
1. The scope definition phase - Chapters 3 and 5
2. Optional вЂ" project management - Chapter 4
пЂÑ" Assignment
Anna Kelly is an analyst/programmer who has been working for Coastline Systems Consulting for one year since her college graduation. So far she has handled small web applications for clients, designing and writing the XHTML, JavaScript, and .NET code. Anna recently got an idea of how to improve Coastline's efficiency and customer service. After thinking about it a few days, she has decided to share it with the president, Peter Charles.
Refer to the Case Background found in the Introduction and the interview transcript in Exhibit 1.1for the information necessary to complete the following activities.
пЂÑ" Activities
1. To complete the Request for System Services form, use information from the case background. Make assumptions where necessary.
2. To complete the Problem Statement Matrix, use the interview with Peter Charles and the case background for the basis of your information. Make assumptions where necessary. Place yourself in the shoes of Peter Charles. Which problems do you believe have the highest visibility, and how should they be ranked? Try to determine the annual benefits. State assumptions and be prepared to justify your answers! Finally, what would be your proposed solution based on the facts you know now?
Deliverable format and software to be used are according to your instructor’s specifications. Deliverables should be neatly packaged in a binder, separated with a tab divider labeled “Milestone 1” and accompanied with a Milestone Evaluation Sheet.
References and Templates:
Case Background
Workbook Introduction
Transcript of Interview with Peter Charles
Exhibit 1.1
See on-line learning center website for the textbook.
Request for System Services: Due: __/__/__
Problem Statement Matrix: Due: __/__/__
For the advanced option, prepare a Project Feasibility Assessment Report. A template for this report can be downloaded from the textbook website. Use the information provided by the case background, the user interview, and the completed problem statement matrix. Be sure to include a Statement of Work and Gantt charts for the project schedules. Information on the Statement of Work and Gantt charts can be found in Chapter 4 of the SADM 7th ed. textbook.
Project Feasibility Assessment Report: Due: __/__/__
Milestone’s Point Value: _______
The following is a copy of the transcript of an interview between Mr. Peter Charles, President, and Anna Kelly, Web Programmer. This was the initial discussion concerning the proposed client technology tracking system.
Exhibit 1.1
Scene: The office of Peter Charles, president of Coastline Systems Consulting. Peter is working at his desk. Anna Kelly knocks on the open door.
Anna: Hey, Boss, do you have a few minutes?
Peter: The door is always open, Anna. Have a seat. What's on your mind?
Anna: I have an idea I'd like to bounce off you. I was talking to Ben the other day. He told me about going out to Fox Motors to check out a problem with their router. When he got there he discovered that the router password he had in his files wasn't right. He had to call back to our office to see if anyone knew what was going on. Turns out Jeff had replaced the router three months ago. Jeff had a record of its configuration, but Ben essentially wasted most of an hour learning what Jeff already knew.
Peter: Ouch. Sad to say, that isn't the first time something like that has happened.
Anna: Well, it got me thinking.
Peter: How